praise belongs to Allah Almighty Who has blessed us with the Holy Month of
Ramadan and has enabled us to come to the end of this year’s Ramadan. He has
prescribed the fasting that we may attain Taqwa (protection from sin), exalt
Him for guiding us and that we may also be grateful to Him. We also invoke His
boundless blessings and mercy upon the best of creation, the Seal of the Prophets,
Muhammad Mustafa (saw) whose heart was the kingdom of Taqwa.
the blessed Holy Month of Ramadan, as
Muslims, we all exercised the greatest act of mercy, piety, righteousness,
charitability, generosity, love, care, kindness, peace, brotherliness and
friendship etc all to win the pleasure and the nearness of Allah Almighty. May
Allah Almighty accept all our sacrifices. Ameen.
the Holy Month of Ramadan is the month of Charity, in which we spent out of our
wealth and belongings for the welfare of the poor and needy, such acts of
goodness should always continue throughout the year, not just during the
blessed Holy Month of Ramadan. We should always be helpful to the poor, needy
and the weak amongst us. Doing so is when we can truly fulfill the spirit of
the Blessed Holy Month of Ramadan
should always remember that as Muslims throughout our lives, we should always
be tolerant and kind towards not just our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters,
but also to other people in our societies who belong to other religions. Today
the Muslim Ummah should remain united more than before and our diversity
instead of dividing us should even unite us further more. Our communities,
societies, and country should remain more united today than ever before in
order to attain our aspired goals. We should put aside our differences and work
together as one people and one nation.
we bid farewell to the Blessed Holy Month of Ramadan, the good qualities that
we have been showing, exercising and developing during the blessed month should
not be thrown away or put aside, but instead we should continue to inculcate
these practices in our everyday life. In the coming days, weeks, months until
the next blessed month of Ramadan, we should continue to act righteously and
with Taqwa just as we did in the blessed Month of Ramadan. May Allah Almighty
make it easy upon us. Ameen.
am hereby extending to you the warmest salaam, love, prayers and EID MUBARAK of
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V(ATBA), the Spiritual and Supreme Head of the worldwide
Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. On behalf of the
Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at the Gambia, I humbly wish you all EID MUBARAK.
Allah Almighty accept all the humble devotions that we have made during the
Holy Month of Ramadan. May He continue protecting and blessing our beloved and
dear motherland, the Gambia and her people and shower peace, security,
prosperity and stability on us all. Ameen.
F Trawally
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