Dr. Kalilu M. Bayo, the Minister for Presidential Affairs, Secretary General and Head of the Civil Service, has expressed appreciation for his cabinet appointment, and said he “accepted the appointment with humility and deep gratitude, and with the knowledge that it represents a call to national duty, a call to play a role in the challenging but undoubtedly rewarding task of grappling with the complex intricacies of national development.
“The reward, of course, is the satisfaction that could be gained from faithfully and playing that role, however small or great, of making a contribution, directly or indirectly to bringing about some positive change in the lives of one’s own people.
“Therefore, I feel deeply indebted to H.E. the President of the Republic, Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr. Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh for the offer of this privilege and opportunity to serve, which I accept with assurances of my fullest loyalty to him, as the inspiring instrumental leader of the time-honoured campaign for the development of the country we all cherish”.
Here is the full text of Dr.K.M. Bayo’s profile:
He was born in Alunhukharay, URR; attended St. George’s Primary School in Mansajang, Basse, and subsequently went to Armitage High School (1962-1963) and Gambia High School Sixth Form (1968-1969).
From there, Dr. K.M Bayo attended Roosevelt University (USA) and received a BA (Hons) History and Political Science 1973, graduating with special awards in both subject areas, including the Tarini P. Sinha Prize for Academic Excellence in Political Science and the Richard J. Hooker Award for Excellence in History.
From there, Dr. K. M Bayo attended the Northwestern University (USA) and bagged a PhD Political Science/International Relations 1977 ,and MA Political Science/Public Policy 1975 and CAS (Certificate of African Studies) 1975.
Dr.K.M Bayo proceeded to Johns Hopkins University USA where he received an MBA(Management, International Business and Finance) 1999 and persuade IT Certification and MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) 2000 and Hardware/Software Certification (A+) 2000.
Professional Experience
Over fifteen years’ experience in development management and public policy formulation and execution in national government including directing and overseeing major organizational reforms in various sectors.
1979-1983 Dr.K.M Bayo served as an Assistant Secretary/Senior Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Economic Planning and Industrial Development responsible for international economic cooperation, ECOWAS, ECA and other UN matters, indigenous enterprise development etc.
In 1983-1984 Dr.K.M Bayo Ag Under Secretary, Ministry of Works and Communications assisted the permanent secretary in the overall coordination of the administrative and technical operations of the ministry, its affiliated departments and public enterprise (PE) organizations and sat on the Boards of Directors of all PEs in the sector.
While in 1984-1986 Dr.K.M Bayo served as the Divisional Commissioner (now Regional Governor), MID (now CRR, in 1986-1989) Dr. Bayo serves as the Deputy Permanent Secretary/Permanent Secretary/ Technical Adviser to the President on international cooperation and the Senegambia Confederation in particular.
While in 1989-1990, serves as the Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Local Government and Lands, and 1990-1995 serves as the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education.
Intermittent: Special assignments and consulting services, GAMTEL’s Bid for The Gambia to host a branch of RASCOM.
Prepared a comprehensive and competitive bidding document for the Gambia Telecommunications Company (GAMTEL) on the subject of an offer for the Gambia to host a branch of the Regional African Satellite Communication Organization (RASCOM) based in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.
Over 30 African countries submitted bids to host the RASCOM branch, but the Gambia and Cameroun were the only two countries selected as finalists.
He also served as a USAID sponsored consultancy on the review of the implementation of Eritrea’s Manpower Development Project, University of Asmara, Eritrea (2000). This task involved a critical review of the capacity of the Project Implementation Unit responsible for coordinating Eritrea’s 5- year Manpower Development Project and submitting recommendations for improvements in staff development, implementation competencies and funding support.
Dr.K.M Bayo also one time served as a Consultant, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (1982): Undertook a comprehensive review and analysis of the financial and operational constraints of the UNECA’s Regional Development Center (based in Niamey, Niger) which serves the countries of the West African sub-region. The final report included a set of recommendations on effective program funding, staff reinforcements and greater involvement of the governments of member states in the Center’s policy and programming decisions.
Dr. K.M Bayo also served in the Global Institute for Emerging Markets Columbia, MD 1999, preparation of the project document for The Institute established to provide high quality education and training in selected emerging markets of the Third World with a view to creating a critical mass of trained professionals to effectively manage the rapid economic transformations in their countries.