The training was part of CPA’s mandate in bringing together its members to update them on issues relating to their work as child organization working for or with children.
The training was attended by more than 28 heads of organizations that are CPA members.
Sheikh Tijan Lewis, CPA Board Chairman, said CPA is consisting of almost over 28 members, which is why they are called an alliance.
From time to time, he said, they want to upgrade their members on their roles and responsibilities in society.
“It is also very important to give them update on the emergency of things,” he said, adding that since the world is improving, management is developing and governance is also being improved, it is necessary as an alliance for them to bring their members together, especially the heads, to update them on management skills.
He said that during the two-day training, members of their organizations were trained and advised to be role models as much is expected of them by the society and the government.
He called on all organizations working with or for children, including NGOs and CBOs, to strive hard to meet the criteria and become registered members of CPA.
They would not force anyone to be members, he noted, but there are many benefits in registering as a member of CPA.
“Any organization for children that meets the criteria can join the CPA,” he said.
Mariama Jallow, president of Voice of the Young, in her remark, said: “The training is very good because the heads of organizations are benefitting a lot from it.”
She added that they would go back to their organizations to implement what they have learnt from the training.
“The training is important because it gives CPA members the opportunity to come together and interact and know each other better,” she remarked, saying she too had gained a lot from the training.