The young people in our day and in our Church have a spiritual quest that comes along every year.As they grow, they are looking for that which brings them fulfillment for their future.Some would rather not choose material wealth because they feel that these would not last.Others would have the same attitude towards drugs and alcohol because they have seen and experienced the outcomes of drugs and alcohol in other peoples’ lives.People’s lives are destroyed by drugs and alcohol.
In the Church of today the young people look for good mentors and spiritual guidance.I have known of some young people who take the spiritual avenue through the Church to go on religious camping during the summer holidays.These go-out and spend two weeks away from their homes learning good morals, studying the bible, and living together as Christian brothers and sisters.They are always in the hands of good adult guides who will always see to their needs, teach and give them good counsel.
The Christian youth camp at Kampant, the Charismatic youth camp at Brikama, the Resurrection parish youth exchange at Ziguinchor and the St Charles youths exchange at Dakar, Senegal are all recent experiences of the youths in the Church.The youths here who witnessed to their experiences were very satisfied and fulfilled because they learnt a lot and gain good Christian morals.
In my opinion, our youths deserve this experience to meet to their quest in the Church today therefore it is the task of the Church and Church Councils to focus attention on the youths in the church and give them guidance, good counsel and an experience to live in a good Christian environment.In doing this, there will be a sure hope for the church in future.
Looking at the scriptures the book of proverbs has a lot of wise sayings and good counsel which is beneficial to young people.The text written by Solomon the King of Israel and the son of King David who was a wise man in ways of God, wrote the book to be able to share the wisdom that God gave him.I will love to make a reference to Proverbs 1:8-19.
“Listen my son to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.They will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them.If they say, come along with us let’s lie in wait for someone’s blood, lets way lay some harmless soul; lets swallow them alive like those who go down to the pit, we will get all sorts of valuable things and all fill our homes with plunder, throw in your lot with us and we will share a common purse.
My son do not go along with them, do not set foot on their paths, for their feet rush into sin, they are swift to shed blood.
Such is the end of all who go after ill gotten gain. It takes away the lives of those who get it”.
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