Aflatoun is a ChildFund-sponsored programme implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education in 18 lower basic schools in the West Coast Region over a period of 3 years from 2010.
The programme was focused on five elements: right and responsibility, personal understanding and explorations, savings and spending, planning and budgeting, and child social and final enterprise.
The review forum was meant for ChildFund and its other stakeholders to look at the emerging outcome of the programme and discuss the way forward.
The national director of ChildFund The Gambia, Pimundu Jamez, said the Aflatoun programme focused on school children within the ages of 6 and 14 in 18 schools across the West Coast Region.
“Its aim is to empower the children and make them understand their rights and responsibilities and of others who are around them,” he explained.
Mr Jamez said Aflatoun introduces students to savings, planning, budgeting, socio and financial enterprise not only money but also resources.
Aminata Mbaye, representative of the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education at the forum, said Aflatoun is a comprehensive social and financial education that helps children to learn their rights and responsibilities and to tackle challenges of life.
Speaking on behalf of the beneficiary students, Ramatoulie Jallow of Kassa Kunda Lower Basic School thanked ChildFund for coming up with the Aflatoun programme.
The student said each of the five elements of the programme plays a vital role in contributing not only to their education in school but also to their lives after school.
“Aflatoun has really changed our lives as the beneficiary students,” Jallow said while calling on the students to utilise and share the knowledge gained from the programme.
Ms Jallow urged ChildFund to go beyond West Coast Region in implementing Aflatoun so students in other regions could have the opportunity to benefit.
ChildFund has been operating in The Gambia since 1984, working with and complementing the efforts of The Gambia government.
The international agency is mainly focused in the West Coast Region partnering with the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education to contribute to the development of the country’s education sector.
ChildFund has been working with local community-organisations and NGOs in West Coast Region to implement its programmes on child care and support, empowering families and most importantly supporting education among others.