Reverend Father Matthias Murphy, a member of the Holy Ghost Congregation now known as Spiritans has retired after spending over three decades at the Holy Spirit Parish in
Before coming to The Gambia, Fr. Murphy had served ten years in
"All is well that ends well." This is an old adage that applies in the case of one of the most dedicated men to his people entrusted to him and to God who appointed him to serve his people through the priesthood that he has lived all his life time. The Bible says, "A day in the Lord's House is better than ten thousand elsewhere." These are all true of Fr. Murphy, who served the Gambian people for over three decades, nearly half of his lifetime was laid for his people, people he calls his own. In his own words, "It is not easy to leave the things you cherish in your heart and had planned to use in the near future, it is hard." Little did he knew he would be retiring and leaving the
Fr. Murphy in his homily says, "When we learnt catechism we are asked, 'what do we receive at Confirmation? It is obviously the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. The whole
In Fr. Murphy's speech he said people should remember fortitude. He recalled ten years before his coming to The Gambia from
He further talked about Elisha and Elijah and how God had said Elisha will anoint Elijah and was moved. He said when your days come, be it long or short, is not for you to know one has to prepare for what is to come in the future.
He further said that it was only Jesus who knew what He was going to do in
A personal letter addressed to Felix Ceesay from Bishop Robert Ellison CSSp, Bishop of Banjul reads: "Dear Felix Ceesay, Fr. Murphy is due to retire at the end of June, 2010. I wish to officially inform the faithful about this development."
The Bishop's letter continued to say that Fr. Murphy has dedicated to the service of God for thirty or more years. "A new priest is to be appointed in September. Meanwhile, Fr. Yennis Manneh will oversee the Church till September when a new priest will be appointed."
In his response, Felix Ceesay, one of the senior parishioners of Holy Spirit Church at Kampama, asked the congregation to imagine how many of them were above thirty years and how old they were when Fr. Murphy came to the Church. "Bravo Fr. Murphy! If you have a good father and he educates you and you graduate from the university, how would you feel if he goes away? We shall invite Fr. Murphy to the parish and celebrate with him. His celebration would be above our parish feast celebration.
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Nov 2, 2009, 1:04 PM