#Article (Archive)

Case of making false document continues

Mar 11, 2013, 10:01 AM | Article By: Malamin L.M. Conteh

The case of making false document involving one Ebrima Ndow continued recently at the Bundung Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Kijera.

It continued with the testimony of the third prosecution witness (PW3), one Essa Sowe, a police officer.

Sowe told the court he is a police officer attached to fraud and commercial unit of the Gambia Police Force, and he resides in Banjul.

He said on 21 March 2012, he was at the office when one Harry Ben, a British national, came to the fraud squad unit in Banjul, and informed him that he was doing a business with the accused and was given a document by the accused person.

At that juncture, the suspect brought out a business registration certificate, and the police copied it and gave the original to the accused person.

He told the court that if he saw the copy of the said business registration certificate, he would be able to identify it.

At that juncture, the case was adjourned.

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