Tuesday 22nd October 2019 Issue
the Proprietor of Jaiteh Kunda Poultry Farm in Brikama Nyambai is a tailor by
profession, started his poultry business in January 2019 with 60 broilers.
realizing the benefits involved in poultry, he decided to continue with the
business which grew to 90 chicks as his second batch.
was inspired and encouraged by Modou Lamin Fatty of ML’s Poultry Farm, who
labeled himself as the poultry king, to venture into the business.
Lamin Fatty is an alumni of Global Youth Innovative Network (GYIN) Gambia’s
Entrepreneurship Leadership Information and Technology (ELIT 2017) National
Youth Summer Camp and also a runner up of Young Agribusiness of the Year 2018
of GYIN Gambia’s Rural Youth Awards.
programs were fully funded by the National Agricultural Land and Water
Management Development Project (Nema) and Youth Empowerment Project (YEP).
was also motivated into poultry by the influx of imported poultry products in
the country such as eggs and chickens, which he said, is bred outside the
with little capital with broilers, his current target is to venture into layers
but decried the high cost of chicken feeds which lasts for only 5 days.
sponsored his business since its starting and call for more support to
encourage more youth involvement in poultry.
to him, the importation of poultry products in the country will reduce, if more
youth engage in poultry farming.
challenged youth to involve into poultry business to create employment
opportunity for themselves to improve their living standard.
appealed to the government to support youth to engage themselves, adding
government’s aid would create employment opportunities for many youth in the
said if government support youth it would prevent them from engaging in social
vices and contribute their quota to the national team.