22nd October 2019 Issue
executive committee of the Gambia Teachers Union (GTU) Young Teachers Platform,
has dismissed circulating rumors and social media comments that suggest that
the platform was created to suppress and to become a rival of other groups,
like the Teachers For Change.
fact, the Young Teachers Platform is created to compliment the efforts and
activities of teacher groups, particularly the young teachers, who form the
largest bulk of the teaching profession,” the executive said in a statement,
adding that the creation of the platform is in fulfillment of a constitutional
provision of The Gambia Teachers Union, which is the umbrella body of Gambian
group described the rumors as totally unfounded and malicious for any
individual or group to associate the Young Teachers Platform with the objective
to silence other groups.
said they have plans to meet all teacher associations in the country, including
the Education Students Association of the UTG, the Education Students
Association of the Gambia College as well as executive members of the Task
Force of the Teachers For Change, to source common views and grounds for the
betterment of the teaching fraternity.
executive also explained that their selection was conducted by NEC of the GTU
through wider consultation with regional Chairpersons. “At the General
Assembly, the new and first executive of the Young Teachers Platform will be
formed, and a bye law will be developed and ratified to establish the
structures and inform policy.”
to them, the platform will help empower Young Teachers to take ownership and
leadership of the Union. “The Young
Teachers Platform will help empower young teachers to influence policy both at
the Gambia Teachers Union and at government level.”
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May 21, 2013, 11:13 AM