Breaking news should be good news; news that warms the heart, not upsetting news that is centred on what would break one’s heart. The Bible abounds with breaking news meant to uplift our souls daily. This kind of news positively impacts the lives of God’s people everywhere, assuring them that all will be well in spite of what the media perpetually portrays. The fact is that God is in complete control. Yes, God is still in charge.
Look for gospel news that is fortifying; news that is comforting, news that will give you a fresh start every morning and a sure hope that God is always with you; that “He will never leave you, nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5) You see, our God is faithful. He is a God who never fails. You can count on Him always because He does not change. He is “the same yesterday, today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) What He accomplished yesterday He is still able to achieve today. What a loving God, a God who is close-by - all the time and in all circumstances! What good news to wake up to today!
Make it a habit when you wake up to reach for your Bible and listen to the message God has for you each day. Indeed, He has a word for you and me every single day, and for our lifetime - something that sets the tone, ignites our spirit and establishes us for the rest of the day.
The Bible is more relevant than the so-called breaking news that is conveyed on your television screen, your local or international newspaper or your radio set. That kind of news is not mainly gossip but disheartening and depressing. It is intended to make you believe that the devil is triumphing over good. Well, the more you listen to such news, the more you will focus your attention on the negative things of life. Frankly, there is more interesting and uplifting news in the Word of God than what the media diffuses.
Yes, the world may be governed by Satan but his power does not extend to the kingdom of God where God reigns supreme. The good news for us today is that God sent his Son into the world “to save sinners” so that we may have life and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10) Nothing of what is happening around us must influence our behaviour. Listen to this. “A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.” (Psalm 91:7) What won’t come near you? “The terror by night, the arrow that flies by day; nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.” (Psalm 91:5-6) None of these will ever come near you. You may witness it, but it shall not in any way harm you. Do you believe this? Could there be any better breaking news than that?
For long God had put emphasis on what believers should do. Sadly enough, humankind has failed Him miserably. It became apparent that humanity cannot cope. At the Garden of Eden God gave Adam just one instruction, “Do not eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the Garden” but they (Adam and Eve) broke it. He introduced a set of rules through Moses called the Ten Commandments meant to govern their behaviour, but the Children of Israel broke every one of them. Finally, God realised that human beings were prone to sin.
Sin is like a germ that invades the body with serious consequences. “For the wages of sin is death....” (Romans 6:23) For this reason, God chose his Son to die for our sins, because humankind was unable to pay the penalty for sin. A holy God gives up His spotless Son to redeem us – to buy us back. The breaking news is that we do not have to pay for it ourselves. That’s enough reason to dance all day! Christians do not fear death because Jesus has already died in their stead. All who call upon His name will be saved! (Joel 2:32)
Jesus’ death freed us from God’s wrath. The punishment due to us He put on His Son instead. Thus our sins – past, present and future -have been forgiven and pardoned. We no longer should harbour fears of death and hell. Our Lord Jesus as he breathed his last on the cross declared: “It is finished!” His accomplishments for humanity on the cross - without regard to race, creed or tongue - surpass our wildest imaginations. We have been reserved a place in heaven through the shed-blood of the Lamb of God on the cross that has taken away the sins of the world. God has decided to erase our sins for good. “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” (Hebrews 8:12)
We no longer stand condemned; we have been forgiven. And guess what? He did this once (just one time) and for all (everybody). Breaking news! So, “Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16) Never think you have something to add to what Jesus has already done. Heaven and eternal life are free to all those who come to Jesus - Emmanuel, God with us. The Word of God that became flesh and made His dwelling among us has already done this for all of us. “.... to all who received him, to those who believed in His name, he gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12) Today receive Jesus into your heart and live forever! Amen!