swore twice by the Holy Qur’an, in Dakar and in The Gambia, to defend and act
according to the national Constitution. Under these circumstances, I cannot
accord the Coalition Agreement preference over the Constitution,” President
Adama Barrow says in his New Year message to the nation.
resign after three years in office implies betraying the people, multitudes of
whom continue to pledge support for my government and our development agenda.”
tendering my resignation is not unconstitutional, as some people argue, it is
irresponsible and imprudent to do so if it is not prompted and justified by
principles linked to statehood and the people,” he added.
added that the desire to dislodge dictatorship by all democratic means guided
the coalition in the development of the Coalition Agreement.
I took up office, the gravity of the institutional failures, abuse of office,
human rights and bad governance became more apparent. Thus, the need to weigh fulfilling the Coalition
Agreement and acting on the Constitution I swore to uphold. The confidence and
mandate entrusted upon me have subsequently guided my decision to respect the
voice and will of the people, by maintaining to serve the full Constitutional
mandate of five years,” Mr. Barrow further stated.
said it is in the same spirit that both the Legislative and Local Government
Elections occurred. He argued that circumstances now dictate that national
development and the national interest take precedence over partisan or
sectional interests.
“I have judiciously counselled myself to bow
to the will of the people, and I refuse to yield to the sentiments and
ambitions of a minority group. For this reason, my decision is to complete the
five-year mandate stipulated in the Constitution for a sitting President. I am
not ill disposed in any way to warrant my resignation as President.”
consequence, the next Presidential Election will be held according to schedule
in 2021. For this purpose, the electoral reform process is in progress to
ensure that all national elections are free and fair.”
greatest threat to the nation is disorder and instability. Lawlessness will
undermine the peace and tranquility we now enjoy,” the president preached.