Darboe, a human right lawyer in the United Kingdom has criticised President
Adama Barrow’s government for refusing to allow members of 3 Years Jotna to
hold a fundraising event at the Samega Janneh hall. He thus accused him
(Barrow) and his team of using the police the same way Yahya Jammeh was using
the military and the National Intelligence Agency to suppress people.
Darboe, who was speaking to journalists shortly after the police asked them to
stop the fundraising event; said the government wants to provoke 3 Years Jotna.
police, he said, have no right to disallow them from continuing their
is not a demonstration. It was not a protest; it is a fundraising event which
is going to be a music event. It supposed to be an entertainment programme but
the police want a permit for it. The only excuse they come with is that it is a
public place and that if we want to use the hall we need to get a permit from
the IG. For what reasons?, he queried.”
police, he continued, couldn’t point out under which section of the laws of The
Gambia to justify their actions, adding that it doesn’t make any sense.
to Darboe, the same country taking Myanmar to the international court for human
rights violation is the same government doing the same thing to its own
citizens because those citizens have different opinions from them.