This week Health Matters focuses on the effects of back problems with FRANS GAST Physical therapy and Psychotherapy specialist. Here is the text on the issue :
Manual therapy is a very delicate way to recreate harmony in your body.
When we are born our skeleton in most cases has a brilliant structure and flexibility.
When we grow older we become more inflexible and sometimes muscles pull the skeleton out of its natural position.
Our body contains many different type of bones, these bone are held together by ligaments and muscles. In and over these muscles are numerous nerves.
For example, from your heart to your toes are thousands and thousands of nerves that spread out through your entire body. All these nerves serve a specific purpose.
One of the busiest highways of nerve impulses goes through the backbones also known as vertebrae.
These vertebrae exist out of 33parts of which 24 flexible and 9 inflexible.
Between these vertebrae is what is known as disks.
These disks are like a spongy structure that allows the vertebrae to be flexible and rotate.
From your brain through the inside of the vertebrae is a soft structure called the bone marrow.
From this marrow up and down to your spine is the highway of nerve impulses or signals.
These nerves divert in and out the disks between the vertebrae.
Through a sudden movement or lifting something one of the disks can slide out of its natural position.
The effect is that one or more nerves get cramped between the bone structures that create back pain. It also influences the parts of the body that is connected to these nerves.
It takes too much to write down in this article, but a few examples are:
From the neck; Headache, Eye problems, shoulder and elbow (tennis elbow).
Between the shoulders; lungs, heart, chest pain and continuous back pain, blood - and energy circulation problems.
Lower back; stomach pain, intestines, bladder, and kidneys, liver and continuous lower back pain.
You can understand that to compensate the back pain, the hips, knees and feet are doing extra hard work.
Additional, manual therapy works also for hip, knee and ankle problems.
Manual therapy is a method through physical manipulation of the bone structure to restore its original blueprint (to put the bones back in place).
By taking the cramps out of the muscles it’s possible to influence the position of the skeleton.
This can be done through breathing exercises during the treatment.
What is also very important is that the person who has a problem understands what is happening in his or her body.
If you do what you did, you get what you got.
Old problems can only be solved by new solutions.
For more information please contact FRANS GAST Physical therapy and Psychotherapy on: 7044226 or Email: fransgast@hotmail.com
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