Sonko, the chairman of Brikama Area Council on Monday 10 February 2020
presented the PSUP (Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme) activity report of
The Gambia during a panel discussion at 10th World Urban Forum in Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates.
theme of the World Urban Forum 2020 was: ‘Cities of Opportunities: Connecting
Culture and Innovation.’
chairman of The Gambia’s most rapidly urbanizing local government area told the
august gathering that the country has an Urban Population of 61.3% and with
urbanization rate of 4.07%.
Sonko disclosed that the Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (PSUP) was
launched in 2008 and has three phases. He reported that the implementation of
phase one which focuses on Urban profiling started in 2010 in three
municipalities, Banjul, Kanifing and Brikama.
BAC chairman noted that participatory assessment methods were used and main
themes include urban governance, urban safety, shelter, land, gender, local
economic development, basic urban services, disaster management, environment
and climate change.
BAC boss outlined the numerous success stories of PSUP and highlighted the
water extension project in the community of Ebo Town in the Kanifing
Municipality. This project he added, has increased access to water and reduced
incidences of water borne diseases.
stated that the community of Tobacco Road in Banjul has benefited from a solar
street lighting project, road construction and a Youth Centre of Excellence in
the community of Tobacco road in Banjul while the community of Jambarr Sanneh
under the jurisdiction of Brikama Area Council has benefited from the
construction of a 1km drainage system and a tractor for refuse collection.
the success stories, Chairman Sonko lamented inadequate policy frameworks for
urban planning and development and inadequate human and financial resources as
key challenges that affected the smooth implementation process of the PSUP in
The Gambia.
10th World Urban Forum is organised and convened by UN-Habitat and has become
the foremost international gathering for exchanging views and experiences on
sustainable urbanization with over 18000 participants from over 168 countries.