In a resolution on the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, AU PSC requested the AU Commission, in cooperation with the countries affected, ECOWAS and all relevant partners and stakeholders, to take without further delay the necessary steps to develop a Concept of Operations for the AU Mission, including its logistical, financial and other relevant aspects.
It went on to encourage all AU member states, and the international community as a whole, to extend the necessary support to the deployment of the AU mission against the Ebola outbreak.
“In this regard, council underlines the need to pay particular attention to the impact of the epidemic on the post-conflict reconstruction and socio-economic development efforts in the countries affected”.
The AU PSC resolution on the Ebola outbreak came after it received a briefing by the AU Commission, on the situation relating to the outbreak of Ebola in some countries in West Africa, and has “expressed its deep concern at the current situation, and its full solidarity and support to the countries affected by this epidemic”.
The AU PSC said it “recognized the seriousness of the security implications of the current Ebola outbreak, and notes with concern that three of affected countries are in a post-conflict situation, and that the epidemic has the potential of undermining the tremendous progress made by these countries over the past few years.
“In this respect, council calls for renewed efforts, both within Africaand from partners in combating the epidemic”.
It went on to “recall the relevant provisions of the Protocol Relating to the Establishment of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union, in particular, Article 6(f) relating to aspects of the mandate of the PSC with regard to humanitarian action and disaster management, as well as to the role of the African Standby Force in humanitarian emergency situations”..
The AU PSC “commended the countries of the region, under the auspices of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) for the steps already taken in dealing with the Ebola outbreak, and welcomes the readiness and commitment of AU partners to support African efforts to this effect”.
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