Of late, the Muslim world has been thrown into an outrage due a film prepared by an anti-Islam element in the United States of America insulting the Pride of mankind, Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw). Every Muslim, wherever he or she may be, is fully justified in his anger over such a crude and insulting film. It is all done in the name of freedom of speech. However, hurting the sentiments of others by abusing and insulting is immoral and cannot be called freedom of speech. Therefore, such immoral acts must be condemned by all decent people and lovers of peace and brotherhood.
Responding to the film, the Supreme Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V (ATBA) has said in his Friday Sermon on 21st September 2012 at the Baitul Futuh Mosque, London, “… While a law of freedom of speech exists, but neither in any country nor in the UN Charter do we find a law which states that no person will be allowed the freedom to hurt the religious sentiments of others or insult the holy personages of other religions. This is not written in law anywhere and it is because of this that the peace of the world is being destroyed. This causes the lava of hatred to erupt and the gulf between countries and religions to increasingly widen.”
The Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw) who has become the target of the insults of these irresponsible people is indeed a perfect example for all and sundry. The Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw) has taught that the religious sentiments of others must be respected at all times. Islam means peace and does not condone any form of violence, destruction of property and killings of innocent people. Once a Jew reported to him that a Muslim had hurt his sentiments by expressing the superiority of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw) over Prophet Musa (as). Addressing the Muslims in general, the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw) said that no one should express his superiority over Prophet Musa (as) and any other holy personage in such a way that his followers sentiments would be hurt. He would stand to pay his last respects to deceased non-Muslims when a funeral procession passed. Once someone told him that the deceased was not a Muslim, the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw) humbly responded, “Is he not a human being?” Such was his respect for humanity. It is therefore the height of crudeness and vulgarity to make abusive films of such an exemplary man. Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (as) says, “Remember, such individuals are not the well-wishers of their nation as they create impediments in their path. I say most truthfully that it is possible for us to reconcile with wild snakes and wilderness beasts but we cannot reconcile with such people who do not desist from insulting the honour of God’s holy Prophets. They believe that there is triumph in abusive language and vulgarity but each triumph come from the Heavens”.
Such irresponsible people should be brought to tasks in the countries in which they are. Their actions could lead to disastrous consequences for those countries. “It is necessary for world peace that this is made a part of UN peace charter that no member country will allow any of its citizens to play with the religious sentiments of others and that world peace will not be allowed to be destroyed in the name of freedom of speech…..,” said the Supreme Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at.
There is no doubt that Muslims are justified in their anger, but violent reactions, destruction of property and killings are not the solution. The Supreme Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at said, “The vulgarities, the malicious and mockery do not in the least affect the honour and dignity of the Prophet (saw) in any way, shape or form. He is such a Great Prophet (saw) upon whom even God and His angels invoke blessings and salutations. It is the duty of believers to constantly engage in invoking blessings and salutations upon the Holy Prophet (saw). When the enemy exceeds in vulgar acts, then invoke blessings and salutations upon the Holy Prophet (saw) more than before.” He therefore called on sincere lovers of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw) to constantly recite Salatu Alan-Nabi: “Bless, O Allah, Muhammad and the people of Muhammad as you did bless Abraham and the people of Abraham; You are indeed the Praiseworthy, the Glorious. O Allah, prosper Muhammad and the people of Muhammad as you did prosper Abraham and the people of Abraham; You are indeed the Praiseworthy, the Glorious.”
The Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw) never responded to the rudeness of the enemies with violence and destruction. On occasions his enemies rudely spoke to him and his Companions would have reacted but he always stopped them. Victory ultimately became his. The same qualities of restraint and patience should be shown by the Muslims and victory will soon come to them. A good example was the insult the Chief of the Hypocrites, Abdullah ibn Ubayy, made to the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw) when he referred to the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw) as a lowly person. Some people even demanded from the Holy Prophet (saw) to let them kill him but he humbly answered in the negative.
Our duty as Muslims in such situations is to show the world in words and actions the noble character of our dear and beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw). The Supreme Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at continued to say in his Friday Sermon on 21st September 2012 that organizations like the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) should make rigorous efforts to establish the honour and dignity of Muslims in the world. He said that Muslims are the second greatest power of the world in terms of population and religion. Were they to abide by the commandments of Allah the Almighty they could become the greatest force in every sense and in such an instance the anti-Islamic forces would never even dare contemplate or perpetrate such heart-rendering acts.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw) is nearer to Allah the Almighty than any human being can conceive. He is perfect. He possesses the highest moral qualities (Surah Qalam 68: Verse 5). He is the mercy for the creation (Surah Anbiya 21: Verse 108) and had it not been for him the world would not have been created (Hadith). His exemplary character, kindness, love, forbearance, fortitude, humility, etc. are manifested and demonstrated for humanity to emulate.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at the Gambia strongly condemns this irresponsible act and calls on all decent people, governments, organizations, etc. to condemn this malicious, rude, crude, unfair and unjust act. Let every Muslim everywhere heed the advice of the Supreme Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at by continuously invoking blessings and salutations on the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw) and preach to the world in words and actions his noble character.
May Allah the Almighty continue protecting the honour of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw) and humiliate his enemies and make all efforts and plans of the enemies frustrated and futile. May He give us the strength and means to always defend his honour and grant ultimate progress, success and victory to Islam. Ameen.
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Tribute by Deyda Hydara’s children
Dec 17, 2010, 12:22 PM