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Armitage School receives more philanthropic support

Nov 19, 2010, 1:26 PM | Article By: Abdourahman Sallah in CRR

Officials of a New York university in the US have donated 20 cartons of clothes and shoes to Armitage Senior Secondary School in Janjangbureh.

The delegation from the Community of Legal Resource Network (CLRN) in the City University of New York in America (School of Law) was led by Saul Marong, a native of Janjangbureh, to recently present the items to the school.

The presentation ceremony, held at the school grounds, brought together students, teachers, parents as well as a cross-section of the community.

Speaking on the occasion, Saul Marong said that part of the visit was for the delegation to meet with the school authorities, discuss with them and see how best they can support the school.

According to Mr Marong, who is an ex-student of Armitage, the school needs support hence his delegation’s resolve to support the school with a view to complement government’s effort in the attainment of "quality and relevant" education for all.

For his part, Fred P. Rooney, director of CLRN, commended the school for the warm welcome accorded them.

He said that after a brief discussion with the school authorities, his team had seen areas of possible intervention to render support.

"The school deserves support to enhance education," he said, noting that Gambians "are very hospitable".

He also said plans were underway to establish links between Armitage and other schools in New York. "We also have plans to establish links with the University of The Gambia Law Faculty and the City University of Law," he said. "There will be exchange visits between us to learn and share experience".

In receiving the donated items on behalf of the school, David Haffner, principal of Armitage, hailed Saul Marong and his delegation for "a laudable gesture".

"Government cannot do it alone hence the need for others to complement its efforts," he noted, saying Armitage is a boarding school with over 1000 students.

While commending the delegation for supporting Armitage, Principal Haffner assured the delegation that "the school will always live up to expectations".

The delegation was taken on a conducted tour of the school premises and facilities including its lab, amidst an occasion punctuated with singing and dancing by the school choir.

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