The opposition Peoples Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS) has issued a statement urging its members, supporters and sympathizers to be alert to the fact that the ruling APRC party is working covertly to consolidate its grip on power.
The notice, signed by its Secretary General, Halifa Sallah, urged its members, supporters and sympathizers not be naïve to think that they (PDOIS) could wait until the day when election is declared, to start to work, and then expect to get a different electoral outcome which favours the opposition.
Below we reproduce the full text of the PDOIS public notice:
This is to inform all PDOIS members, supporters and sympathizers that they have every right to move about the country, meet people in their homes, farms, vous, and other chatting places and engage them in discussions on the vision of the party for the country.
You are only required to have a permit if you want to use an instrument like a public address system to hold a meeting in a public place.
Your constitutional rights as a sovereign Gambian are guaranteed by the constitution under Section 25 subsection 1 (a) and (d) which reads: 'Every person shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression and freedom to assemble ... peaceably ...'
"The law states categorically that political parties may be established to participate in the shaping of the political will of the people, to disseminate information of political ideas and on political, economic and social programmes of a National Character, and to sponsor candidates for public elections.
The number of political parties shall not be limited by law and every citizen of The Gambia shall have the right freely to chose whether or not he or she will become a member of a political party, and which party he or she will support.
Be alerted that APRC is working underground to consolidate its grip on power.
We must not be naïve to think that we could wait until the day when election is declared to start work, and expect to get a different electoral outcome which favours the opposition.
We are free to work, and we should work harder than the APRC to overcome them. Make sure that you do not antagonize any voter in your sensitisation campaigns, since they are the very people whom we need to mobilise.
Avoid those who are interested in quarrels and insults. Stick to the issues we want to raise with the people. Respect is not a gift. It is earned. If PDOIS is to get respect it must be ready to earn it.
I will never be found wanting in doing whatever is necessary to ensure that PDOIS, in particular, and the opposition in general earn the respect to be an alternative.
I will take sole responsibility for any task I assign anyone to do in the name of PDOIS, as agreed upon.
Long Live PDOIS! Long Live the Republic!"
Halifa Sallah
Secretary General PDOIS