alleged witch-hunt victim in the 2009 infamous witch-hunt orchestrated by
Gambia’s exiled president Yahya Jammeh, Mrs. Therese Gomez yesterday appeared
before the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC). She
narrated how two other victims namely:
Danjan Sowe and Lasana Jarju died as a result of drinking the concoctions and
native of Manduar and Makumbaya in West Coast Region, Mrs. Gomez recalled that
there were people who came from Serrekunda who claimed to be acting on the
orders of former President Jammeh.
witness explained that at that time, her daughter had been delivered of a new
baby and she was standing with her. All of a sudden, she said, a man came and
gripped her hand and took her away.
took me away to a bus where I found young girls and boys drumming and dancing.
This individual asked me to get on board the vehicle which I did. I found many
of my neighbours, who were also arrested but they never told us something that
warranted our arrest.”
Gomez recalled that the man that took her to the bus was alone and dressed in
red and was carrying a mirror.
took us to a compound around Kololi and when we reached the place, they gave us
lunch, but I was among those who refused to eat because of anger,” she told the
the lunch, she indicated that they were lined-up and shortly afterwards they
were given a concoction to drink.
I saw the first group that was made to drink the said concoction emerged, I was
afraid because those removed were like dead bodies.”
Gomez further recalled that when it was her turn, she was given a cup of
concoction to drink, which tasted ‘very bitter.’
was taken to a big room and I later began to feel dizzy. They used to undress
us naked and wash us. Even if we wanted go to the toilet; they would go with us
naked. We were like a mad person and couldn’t control ourselves. Whenever we
stood or walk around, they would kick our legs and we would fall to the
ground,” she recounted.
this process continues, there was a woman called Danjan Sowe, who drank the
concoction but later died, while another man- Lasana Jarju was beaten to
disclosed that a concoction was given to her when she was being taken home
around the evening, saying she didn’t even know how she was behaving.
arrival at our compound, I was not able to do anything, neither knew what was
going on. I even fight with my daughter throughout the night. I removed my cloths to launder and I went to
light fire in that night and I saw nothing but blood everywhere.”
recounted that the stigma it gave to her was deplorable, as people in their
village were all calling her and others as witches.
used to discuss that it was the witches that were taken away and based on that,
if people see her, they would ran. That has affected my life seriously and
since then I used to have experienced severe head pain.”
2009 infamous witch hunt, she said, were acting on the orders of former
president, Yahya Jammeh.