outgoing secretary general of the
Association of Early Child Educators –AECE- Sainey Gibba, Saturday delivered a
report of the activities of the association from 2010-2019.
to the report, one hundred and fifty teachers have benefited from the AECE in
partnership with MOBSE scholarship package from 2010-2019.
Gibba said through the support of the MOBSE, the association of early childhood
educators (AECE) in 2015-2016, had benefited from the support of global
partners in education (GPE) which sub vented a hundred thousand dalasi.
support was meant for the implementation of some of the activities that could
not be carried out due to funding.’ He said, the funds were used for
monitoring, assessment and regional cuscuses.
also announced that AECE has a permanent seat at the coordinating committee
meeting (CCM) which is organise by MOBSE every two months, adding that, the
executive committee has also mediated many disputes between schools, sponsors
or communities and has been very successful in such mediations.
said, in April 2017, some officials from GPE visited The Gambia and met two
executive members of the association; Myself and Mr. Emanuel Omorodion JP. The
meeting was centred on the hundred thousand dalasis which was sub vented to the
association. A breakdown of the expenditure of the money in question was
carried out, he added.
he said the association had received complaints from some ECD facilitators that
the certificates awarded to them by the Gambia College after their course were
not recognised by MOBSE. “The matter was taken up and after a long struggle
with the MOBSE and the Gambia college officials, the matter was settled.”
of the association who was supposed to give the financial report of the AECE
told its members that, she has all copies of the financial records of the
association but would not give a report of an unapproved account hence; the
auditor had refused to audit the report.
have made efforts to write the report, but I could not have anyone to approve
that I am right.’ She said it would not be possible to give out the financial
report hence the auditor had not showed up to audit her. ‘This is not my money,
it’s ours and money is very complicated,” she told members.
the association had also paid tributes to the departed souls of the association
who had lost their life within the period under review.
of early childhood educators is an association, which was established in 1992
to support the development of early childhood education.