Basic Cycle School recently hosted their first-ever French quiz inter-school
competition, to promote the speaking of the French language by children,
introduce them to the culture, as well as to encourage them do French courses
in the future.
project required by the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, was held at
the Advance Basic Circle School in London Corner on 15 March.
principle of the school, Mbayang Jobe, in her welcome remarks, said she did her
HTC in French at the Gambia College, and also went to Cheikh Anta Diop
University in Dakar, Senegal.
kind of competition was been held before at the secondary school level, and
they want to encourage young people to speak French, since they go to Senegal
for holidays, she said, adding that it necessary to understand the language to
communicate easily.
speaking was Yusuf Ehi, who said the initiative is to prepare young people in
the future, and that French is easy to speak; it only requires continuous
practice, like any other subject.
further told the students that in every competition there is always a winner,
but by participating they are all winners.
are preparing them as future French teachers, French broadcasters and important
French language personnel.
competition was to promote the speaking of French at the basic school level,
and young people could be motivated by such competitions, he said.
chief judge, Monsieur Robert Mendy, said French is a core subject, therefore, young people should take it
Life School took first position with 670 points in the competition, followed by
Advance Basic Cycle School with 610 points and Anne Marie Javouhey in third
place with 585 points.
competition was staged with students introducing themselves in French, followed
by answering questions in French.
participating upper basic schools were Advance Basic Cycle School, Anne Marie
Javouhey, New Life, Bakoteh and other schools.