
LRR wins United Purpose funded sport for development football competition

Nov 8, 2021, 1:57 PM | Article By: Arfang M.S. Camara

Lower River Region (LRR) football team were crowned champions of the United Purpose/ Tekki-fii funded inter-regional football tournament following their 3-1 win over the Central River Region (CRR) in a keenly contested final played in Jarra Soma in front of local supporters.

The regional tournament was organised for four regions namely: Central River, Lower River, North Bank and Upper River Regions under the theme: “Using Sport to Mitigate Irregular Migration and Enhance Sustainable Development.”

Increasingly, sport is recognised as an important tool in helping nations achieve their objectives, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals. 

The values of tolerance, collaboration and respect which are essential to sport, can provide a powerful platform for social cohesion, dialogue, reconciliation, and learning. 

This put sport and its structuring values at the heart of development projects led within communities in crisis around the world.

Through this framework United Purpose/Tekki-fii funded the four-day inter-regional football competition where four regions converged in Jarra Soma. 

More than 85 young people were engaged directly while at least 200 youth were targeted indirectly. 

Coordinator of the activity Muhammed Saidykhan thanked all regions for their discipline, passion and commitment during the event. 

“The main objective of the activity is to raise awareness on pertinent issues (peaceful cohesion, community development, irregular migration), give them an opportunity to showcase their talent and enhance their development through shared experience as well as  build friendship ties with stakeholders and other sports oriented entities but also participate in activities that promote friendship and tolerance among others,” said Saidykhan.

Lamin Manjang of United Purpose, said they will continue to support the development and empowerment of youth through sport, adding that they will also reaffirm this to develop sport through community initiatives.