

Oct 16, 2024, 12:00 PM

From Elizabeth Frances Yamide Renner on behalf of the Family of The Late Clara Frances Johnson Njie

“Whatever you do, do it in secret and my Father who Sees everything secret  will Reward you”.

My quotation may not be exact but Bible Readers will know that this quotation carries the Message of our Lord Jesus Christ Himself to His Apostles, when He advised them not to be like the Pharisees who were hypocrites by their actions.

 Aunty Ada, as she was fondly called by all, even us who were her elder, was not a Pharisee. All her good deeds where done in secret. Basing my assessment on her relationship with me, and what I know about  her relationship with her 3 step-children, I can solemnly testify here, on behalf of the Maternal Family of The Late Clara Njie, first wife of The Late Charlie Njie who later became Ada’s husband, that  Ada Njie was not boastful. Therefore it is important today that we the Adult Members of Clara`s family reveal to the world the secret deeds of Aunty Ada Njie.

For us, we saw Aunty Ada as a God-fearing, generous, humble and lovable person, an exemplary and adorable mother who cared so much for her step-children that no one can actually say when exactly the transition from step to actual (biological-like) children was made. All I can say is that, being a God-fearing person she was aware that Christ had said “Whatsoever you do to the least of one of these children you do also unto me”.  Also Ada herself was raised as a foster child with several other children by her aunt, Aunty Omo Njie, who also was a God-fearing woman; A woman who treated all these children with love and care like her very own.

However, whether these were factors or not in her conduct, Ada was able to totally secure the love of her three children - Banky, Aki and Abiodu Njie-   no less absolutely than any biological mother could have done. Infact, the love of mother and children was so steadfast, that only death could part them, as it did on the morning of Sunday the 6th October, 2024.

For such a bond to have existed,  Aunty Ada, you had to have worked extremely hard. You were faced with three children who had suddenly and untimely lost a very tender, loving mother; children, who without a doubt,  would want to cling tightly to their father. Naturally therefore they were unprepared to share him with any replacement for their mother. But Ada, you were determine to be a loving wife, and to succeed in this, you had to be a caring mother, which you did, building a triangle of love with this new family, and establishing yourself firmly at the apex. Courageously, you dispelled any jealousy, you might have felt, of the Father/Children love between Charlie and her children. Then when Charlie died, you ensured that you became that pillar of strength and love, durable enough to carry the role of dual parenthood and to lessen the grief which the three children, though much older then, would still have felt as biological orphans.

And Ada you succeeded. You were always there for these children, now young men and woman, in good times and in bad, and especially at their special events. Therefore it was not surprising that you ended up with the untarnished love of a brood of loving grandchildren as well, who never saw you as anything but their adorable grandma. Perhaps your strategy would not have been so rewarding if you had directed your efforts of unification on only Clara’s children. But you did not.

We the Adult Family Members of Clara`s maternal family were also engulfed into that web of Caring and Love which you knitted so delicately,  but so strongly. You showed us genuine respect and positive attention at all times and went all out to successfully convince us that you were not an imposter  that had come to replace our dear Clara and cause division in her family. Instead you proved to us you had come as a genuine Aide with a sincere love for Ciara`s family in totality, and with the intention of lessening the grief of her children; and an aim to bridge the gap of broken motherly tender love which Clara’s sudden departure had made inevitable.

As an example of Clara’s family, I was always welcomed to you matrimonial home and entertained; This, even after Charlie’s demise. More than once I have been entertained in your bedroom and even allowed to sleep on your bed. Your generousity knew no bounds. Not only did you go all out to make sure I was fed when I was at your home, but insisted I was given food to take home, or ensured that food was sent to my home later. Infact, I right now have at home a beautiful green enamel basin in which you had sent me some delicious Pepper-soup only a few months ago.

Your generousity to the family was unlimited. You were ever ready to be of help even if it meant denying yourself of something you needed. I can fully remember some years back, when trotters (pig foot) was scarce in The Gambia and someone close to me needed some for a big event. Since I knew you always cooked Pork Mbahal, I thought you would likely know if anyone had some imported trotters to sell. So, I called you to ask where we could buy some. Unfortunately you didn´t know and you told me that you yourself had been collecting and salting  local pig feet instead. Next minute, to my utter surprise, you sent a bucketful of salted pig feet for me to give, free of charge, to the person whom I was trying to get the information for.

That’s Aunty Ada’s generousity for you!  An item which was scarce, and which she had taken the trouble to collect and preserve for herself, yet,  at a moment’s notice, she was willing to give away all, not some, to someone else, just because I was involved. When I protested at this noble gesture, her response was “The person needs it more than I do at this moment”. Such an unselfish noble gesture indeed!

I could go on and on narrating, and the quality of your unselfish good needs, Aunty Ada, will not diminish. Infact, barely two weeks before your passing away, your generousity was again so apparent at the marriage of your grandson, Kobna Njie. Overwhelmed by your love for family and your generous nature, you went overboard with everything:

You were over-generous with your time and strength, dashing to the Church Service, and then back to your home to make sure you were there to do the traditional practice of pouring water and praying for the Married Couple. And then, of course, you dashed back to the Reception Hall. As Grandma, you could not allow yourself to miss this section!                     You were super-generous with your finance. Not only did you make handsome contributions to the wedding preparations, but also you unendingly sprayed the Couple with crispy bank notes at the Reception.                                                                                                 And you were generous to the core with your genuine gaiety and show of happiness. You kept on dancing so vigorously while bubbling with laughter, even though your feet were feeling swollen and sore, and you knew they would be very painful afterwards.

You did all these with no qualms, no prompting, no complains. All were impromptu actions spearheaded by your beautiful nature. At one point,  after dancing you cried; and when asked why you were crying your response was “Da ma kontan”. Yes, you had all right to be overjoyed because being alive to witness your grandson´s wedding was surely a cause for happiness. It was God´s Reward  for your years of Patience, Tolerance and Loving-Care for Clara´s three children, as your very own.

However, though God´s Time is always the Best, we do wish the Almighty had left you a little longer for you to also see your great grandchild. But as Christ told us, Death comes like a thief in the night, and we know neither the day nor the hour. We are convinced though that you have found Peace and Happiness, for you have run the race well and you have fought the good fight. What is left for you is for the Good Lord to give you the Crown of Glory which we have no doubt you will receive on the Last Day. Aunty Ada, mother to so many, not only are we sure the angels are already there to welcome you at Heaven´s open Gates, but we are certain Clara Frances Johnson Njie herself is also there to say ´Thank you´ to you for a job well done. The testimony of your good work are the endless tears that have been shed continuously by your children and grandchildren since that faithful Sunday morning when God Called you and you left them to answer to your Maker. But like you, we do believe in The Resurrection.

So Adieu, Aunty Ada, until we all meet again. Sleep and take your Rest in The Blossom of The Lord. May Eternal Bliss be your portion, IJMN. Amen.