

Oct 3, 2024, 11:15 AM | Article By: DMBadjie, Political Scientist / Commentator / Consultant

 It is flabbergasting and quite strange that the mood of the country is not geared towards the discovery of mineral resources despite the vast discoveries of oil and gas and mineral resources across the African continent.

The country’s geological outlook seems to be weak in the light of no discoveries over the years. Apart from some degree of work in the so-called oil and gas explorations in offshore blocks, no major undertakings have been made in the country’s mineral wealth situation. Is it geologically sound that even the countries that sandwiched The Gambia have oil, gas and mineral resources such as gold, black stones, iron, and other ferocious materials and there are none of such resources in this country. While countries are making all efforts to find out what they have in terms of such economic resources, we are in a Lame duck situation in terms of enquiry into mineral resources that may be available in the country.

The functionality of many state institutions in service delivery leaves much to be desired. For many years speculations have been floated in the country about the mineral resources available in the regions. It has been speculated that gas deposits are stretched from Kamalo across to the Jeswang area. It has been speculated that there are gold deposits in the Garawol area in Upper River Region.

It has been speculated that there is Basalt in the upper Saloum area. It has been speculated that there is Kerosine in the Saloum area. It has been speculated that there are diamonds in the CRR North area. It has been speculated that there is black sand in the Sanyang area and zinc.

It has been speculated that there are upstream oil reserves in Banjul, Kerewan and Foni Bintang areas and in CRR South. The issue is why can’t the government convert all these speculations into a National Mineral Survey of the country to determine what resources the country is endowed with for economic development. Government can contact its development partners to possibly fund the survey project within a short framework of time.

The government can also seek bilateral assistance from China to conduct such a survey and inform the government of the findings. This reflection on the state of the Nation’s possible resources requires the urgent attention of the government. The Gambia cannot stay behind in Africa’s oil and gas and mineral resources OPINION boom.

The country’s offshore oil blocks A1, A4, A5 must be properly investigated and its facts brought to public light. There have been widely held views from various sources that the country is missing out on the discovery of oil near the Sangamar oil field in Senegal. This portion should constitute part of a National Mineral Resource Survey. It is a National responsibility that cannot be ignored now or later.