Life is probably the best gift from God. It teaches us so many things although it may be full of ups and downs, we must always remember that whatever happens, happens for the good only.
To be honest life may be the best teacher ever because it teaches you on how to be a better person, how to accept rights and wrongs, YES we make mistakes in life but we eventually learn from them.
Life has gifted us with many great things such as culture, family, traditions, and friends. People often go through a difficult stage in it leading into depression, which gives them suicidal thoughts every moment but they tend to forget the fact that we only get to have one single life and we should take that opportunity to enjoy it to the fullest, going out making new friends, taking on adventures and so many delightful things life has to give.
The "world" may also not be as perfect as we imagined in the sense that it is full of bad people, people who are there just to make it a living hell for us, but among them we need to find those who love and care for us, we need to move on, no matter, whatever, happens. Besides friendship, life is also full of betrayals, but when you get betrayed no matter what the situation maybe you still need to have courage to get up and fight, there is no single person in this life who has not suffered from miseries and sadness but these failures give us strength to win our own wars.
Remember life is beautiful but only if we make it.
We have to be strong to face the difficulties of this world. There are several haters here who are going to test your limits, pushing you towards sadness, but it's up to you whether or not to listen to them. Besides haters there are your lovers, who are willing to help you in times of need, thinking about them for a second is much more worth than thinking about negative things.
All these things that happen depend on your mood and situation, life is beautiful.
In my life I have LIVED, Laughed, and LOST, made MISTAKES along the way but the good thing is I have LEARNED!
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