According to Mr. Darboe, for any institution to effectively and efficiently deliver the much expected services, there must be strong human resources and staff motivation.
He described these two pillars as paramount for any viable institution, as this reporter quizzed him at his office in Banjul.
He pointed out that GRA is endowed with highly educated young personnel, with over 150 graduates with masters and PhDs and other degrees.
Mr. Darboe said all these contributed immensely towards improving the revenue performance over the years.
According to GRA boss, staff welfare should be a priority for any institution and should not be misused. “If you really want to perform well as an institution, you must provide all kind of motivation to your staff to energise them to do their work to the best of their ability.”
He added at the level of GRA, they provide rigorous training for all departments’ staff within GRA and also give them the opportunity to upgrade themselves at tertiary institutions. “This is all geared toward boosting staff competency and add value to their works as capacity building is key.”
He also attributed all these to the strong foundation of human resources based at the Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA).
The GRA boss also spoke about staff discipline, professionalism, hard work and team spirit that GRA is also blessed with.
He praised GRA staff for demonstrating high sense of hard work, professionalism and due diligence to their works. He assured that the GRA would continue to provide motivation to its staff at all cost.
Commissioner General Darboe therefore called on all institutions to look into the welfare of their staff which will greatly help institutions to grow and deliver the much expected services.