As we are about to enter a New Year after completing a fulfilling one, I deem it certainly fitting and proper in my capacity as your Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) to acknowledge with immense gratitude and great sense of gratification, the exceptional achievements registered by (you) the fine Officers and Soldiers/Ratings of the Gambia Armed Forces (GAF) during the period under review. I am mindful of the fact that had it not been for your resilience, discipline, tenacity, morale, diligence, esprit de corps, focus-orientedness, commitment and determination to excel, we would not have easily achieved such a remarkable success. Allow me to re-assert that there is nothing nobler than risking your lives for your country. I have long believed that sacrifice for one’s country is the pinnacle of patriotism. Accordingly, let me hastily state that your selfless and invaluable service to our country and its citizens is indeed appreciated by Gambians and non-Gambians alike.
- It is against this backdrop that I deem it appropriate to challenge you further as we enter a New Year, to turn a new leaf of life; one that is rich with great personal qualities, high standards and optimism that are consistent with the hallmark of this noble profession called the Military. It must be emphasized that we cannot afford to shirk in our sacred duty and responsibility to the Government and People of this great country in conscientiously discharging our prescribed constitutional mandate. To achieve this therefore, we must strictly be guided by upholding our core values (courage, candor, integrity, loyalty and patriotism), standards and ethics that define our very existence as fine men and women in arms. If these ethical principles constitute and/or guide the very basis of our daily endeavours, we would (certainly) continue to enjoy the admiration and unreserved support of our fellow countrymen.
- Suffice it to restate that upon assumption of the mantle of leadership of this great institution in March last year, I had conspicuously articulated ambitious and yet attainable targets that are tailored towards consolidating on the gains thus far achieved in our ardent strive to restructure, reorganize and reposition the GAF in line with the wider reform agenda. This well-thought decision is based on the premise to have a vibrant, effective and legitimate Armed Forces that is transparent, subordinate and accountable to civilian authority; responsive to the needs and aspirations of the Gambian people; whose actions are firmly rooted within the doctrine of the rule of law and other international best standards; and adequately addresses its international obligation in the area of peacekeeping operations. Accordingly, it is indeed gratifying to note that we have registered some remarkable achievements in this endeavour during the period under review, in spite of the intervening interruption occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic. These commendable achievements thus far registered can be attributed to a large extent on the high sense of responsibility, commitment, diligence, integrity, loyalty, perseverance, honour and patriotism demonstrated by (you) the fine men and women in uniform. I therefore avail myself of this opportunity to salute your outstanding tenacity, courage and sacrifice to serve our country in uniform.
- One key component in accelerating our collective pursuit and desire to bring about meaningful transformation within GAF is the important aspect of purposeful and realistic training. It is an established fact that training is the mainstay of any organisation and GAF is by no means an exception. It is against this backdrop that my Headquarters will continue to give top priority to training programmes (both local and overseas) that would enhance the professional competence of our serving members. In complementing this well-calculated effort, GAF continues to benefit from overseas training opportunities offered by our strategic bilateral partners such as Turkey, Nigeria, United Kingdom, United States of America, China, Senegal, Pakistan and Ghana just to mention but a few. It is in this regard that I sincerely convey heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all those who (directly or indirectly) have been very instrumental and magnanimous in providing the much-needed training support and other related assistance to GAF. In addition to overseas military training, GAF had and will continue to conduct various professional training programmes, courses or cadres at the Gambia Armed Forces Training School (GAFTS). It is heartwarming to state that we have achieved a lot in terms of our set goals and objectives in this regard. This was made possible primarily due to our dedicated, diligent and competent instructors, including the Commandant and Chief Instructor that serve at GAFTS. I applaud and salute you all for a job well done!
- In the context of preserving the peace, security and tranquility of the motherland, GAF had and will continue to contribute immensely in providing the necessary support and intervention as and when the security situation warrants it. It is instructive to highlight that at the request of His Excellency (HE) the President and our Commander-in-Chief (C-in-C), especially in the wake of the incessant spate of criminal activities and other organised crimes that almost threatened the peace and security of our beloved country, GAF launched Operation RESTORE SANITY in response to the President’s clarion call. By invoking its constitutionally mandated police duties, the Republican National Guards combed (through vigorous patrols) the dark corners of our streets leaving out no safe haven for bandits or criminal gangs who besieged ordinary citizens for a while. The operations, undoubtedly, yielded positive results in restoring peace, security and confidence to vulnerable communities. In a related development, GAF in concerted efforts with other security services launched Operation DALAL HEL to provide the much-needed safe and secure environment for the peaceful conduct of the just concluded Presidential Elections. In addition to her well-defined constitutionally mandated functions, gallant men and women in uniform secured and protected main entry and exit points along our shared borders with Senegal; secured and guarded Critical National Infrastructure (CNI); reinforced security at strategic national administrative buildings and institutions that are considered the economic life line of the country; engaged in confidence-building patrols within the coastal towns and villages as well as the Greater Banjul Area; provided appropriate support to the National Police and other security agencies in the context of maintenance of law and order as well as the protection of lives and properties. The endorsement you fine men and women have received from the general public as the ‘Defenders of the Nation’ or the ‘Guardians’ has been again re-asserted and re-endorsed in view of the exemplary roles played by you at this critical stage of our nation’s history. Undoubtedly, you have made us proud once again as the entire operation (from the planning to the implementation stages) was indeed a milestone achievement that is worthy of commendation. It is against this same spirit that I join in extending heartfelt gratitude to all of you for a job well done. In a similar vein, I wish to express profound gratitude to the general public for their immense support, understanding, patience, generosity and confidence exhibited towards the Armed Forces during the period under review.
- As serving members of the GAF, I wish to reiterate that we have an important stake in our striving democracy. In view of this, let us all take pride in the mild steps taken in restructuring and repositioning the Armed Forces in re-aligning it with the tenets of democracy. As the People’s Armed Forces, I wish to reiterate that GAF must remain apolitical, non-tribally inclined and professionally responsive in the discharge of its constitutional roles. Commanders at all levels are therefore enjoined to continue to remind Officers and Soldiers/Ratings under their command to remain non-partisan and be guided by the stipulated code of conduct and the relevant provisions as contained in the Constitution in the discharge of their defined duties. I am very convinced that you would strictly abide by this genuine command directive because you have amply demonstrated it during the recent past Presidential Elections. This milestone achievement, needless to mention, gives credence to the constructive and frank engagement we had during my tour to all the military installations countrywide. It is therefore my considered view that with the same spirit of camaraderie, we shall continue to speak with one voice and march into the future with the common understanding to succeed as the ‘People’s Armed Forces.’
- Despite the glaring challenges and uncertainties in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, you (the) fine men and women in uniform made GAF and by extension the entire nation proud by the active and exemplary role you played in enforcing health regulations and other measures put in place by the Ministry of Health to prevent the spread of the virus. In addition, you also supported health care practitioners at the designated medical treatment centres as part of our national concerted efforts to quarantine patients in order to contain the spread of the virus. Your tireless dedication and commitments had received overwhelming public appreciation. Against this backdrop, it is equally befitting to join in commending you (all) most sincerely for this outstanding sacrifice and sterling performance. Notwithstanding the measures put in place, the world is once again gripped with anxiety and fears as we face yet another terrible variant of the pandemic called “Omicron.” Depending on the circumstances, you could be called upon to perform similar or more demanding functions. I therefore enjoin you, if the situation warrants it, to continue to work with the same sense of resilience, vigour, determination and enthusiasm in rendering selfless service to our nation while ensuring that you strictly adhere to the World Health Organisation and national preventive protocols.
- In our ardent quest to maintain better service to our nation with pride and dignity, GAF Medical Services continue to impact positively by providing clinical services for general medical conditions to serving members and their families as well as the civil populace. The clinical services include, but not limited to, treatment and care for people living with HIV/Aids and tuberculosis, routine antenatal service as well as laboratory and dental services. Statistics conducted during the period under review reveals that 65 percent of GAF’s medical budget is spent on service delivery to our civilian counterparts who frequent our medical clinics throughout the length and breadth of the country. The remarkable success registered in the health care service delivery to the Officers, Soldiers/Ratings and their families as well as to the civil populace can be attributed to a large extent on the high sense of responsibility and dedication to duty amply discharged by our qualified medical doctors and nurses in addition to the appropriate support we continue to enjoy from our bilateral partners such as the Ministry of Health, US-DHAPP Project through our implementing partner, Hands on Care. At this juncture therefore, allow me to state that we indeed value the partnership and look forward to a more fruitful relationship in the years ahead. In a similar vein, I avail myself of this opportunity to thank you all most profoundly for the immense contributions towards the realization of this worthwhile humanitarian endeavour.
- The GAF has always enjoyed an excellent working relationship with other sister security agencies in our shared pursuit and determination to preserve the peace and tranquility of our beloved country. It is a known fact that peace, security and stability are prerequisites for societal cohesion and sustainable national development. Therefore, it is in our collective best interest as a nation to work towards the maintenance of peace and tranquility in the country. It is against this backdrop that GAF, under my watch, would explore appropriate opportunities of immense mutual benefits, in line with her constitutional mandates, to strengthen and expand on the already cordial ties of cooperation that happily exists between GAF and other sister security services. To achieve this cherished goal, I therefore intend to maintain an open, consultative and constructive engagement with all the Service and Security Chiefs. In a similar vein, I enjoin Officers and Soldiers/Ratings to advance and maintain healthy working relationship with their counterparts in other security services in the interest of inter-services cooperation. It should be remembered that synergy, concerted efforts and proper coordination at all levels of command is imperative in providing the much-needed peace and security our citizenry are yearning for. A point in case is the just concluded Presidential Elections where we consolidated on our strengths and complemented our weaknesses that culminated into a resounding internal security (IS) operations. Such approach proved to be an effective mechanism in addressing common security challenges. It is therefore my considered view that it should be embraced in future IS operations.
- I would like at this juncture to reiterate the high standing of GAF Engineering Corps for their tenacity in constructing quality edifices for partner institutions. Over the years, we have seen your immense contribution in the field of civil engineering thus winning the hearts and minds of like-minded individuals that cut across the social spectrum of the Gambian society. The construction of Mayork Senior Secondary School; the construction of the first classroom blocks of the University of The Gambia in Faraba Banta Campus; the completion of the Ndemban Skills Training Center and the massive storey building (comprising 52 rooms) currently being constructed to provide decent accommodation for soldiers of 2 Infantry Battalion in Farafenni are living testimonies to your technical expertise. Be assured that the GAF High Command will continue to recognize and support your potential in order to become more competitive in the field of civil engineering. It is against this same spirit that I urge you to follow the same path of being open in the context of undertaking construction works especially those that may come from the central Government and other institutions. At this juncture, I would like to acknowledge with profound thanks and appreciation the timely intervention and keen interest of HE the President and our C-in-C in ensuring that necessary funds are provided for the Farafenni Barracks housing project. Plans are afoot to undertake a similar project in Yundum Barracks in the near future in order to ease the huge accommodation deficit currently affecting the Unit personnel.
- In a similar endeavour, it is heartening to highlight that the GAF Education Department has registered an impressive increase in the enrolment of students from near and far communities thereby widening our catchment areas. The increase in enrollment numbers from the civil communities denotes the growth in trust and confidence in terms of service delivery. In addition, it is gratifying to note that the academic performance of the enrolled students is relatively commendable. Therefore, it is befitting to acknowledge with immense gratitude the exceptional commitments, dedication and devotion to duty of our servicemen in the classrooms who tirelessly strive to serve humanity with distinction. In addition, it is deemed prudent to extend heartfelt gratitude to their civilian counterparts, the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education as well as the Ministry of Higher Education Research Science and Technology for their continuous support and partnership. It is also in the same vein that I convey sincere appreciation of the entire membership of GAF to the Medical Research Council (MRC)–Holland Foundation for their foresightedness and outstanding support in the construction of Yundum Barracks Junior Secondary School. Our depth of gratitude to MRS-Holland Foundation is immensurable.
- In our drive to get closer to the people we serve, GAF through her Directorate of Press and Public Relations continues to shed light on every detail of our routine activities to the Nation. This effort has been deliberate in both intent and practice. Perhaps I should assert that since assuming the mantle of leadership of the Armed Forces, I had sanctioned an open door policy with a view to ensuring that the public is kept constantly informed of our activities as the People’s Armed Forces. It is my considered view that aggressive and calculated public relationship campaign by means of sensitisations, community services, regular press briefings and outreach community visits and engagements are critical elements in restoring confidence of the civil populace in their Armed Forces. This stems from my strong conviction that an armed forces that is sensitive and responsive to the needs and aspirations of its citizenry especially in the context of providing adequate security and partake in community-driven initiatives and development projects would justify its existence as a vibrant national defence instrument. Our role in keeping a cordial relationship with our civilian counterparts, I must admit is a noble one that requires total commitment to the ideals of our sovereign Republic. Today, I can conveniently report that we have achieved quite a lot in terms of our civil-military relations drive in view of the fact that the GAF is a transparent and accountable institution that has proven itself over the period. Let me therefore use this moment to sincerely commend you all for such a positive accomplishment. This milestone achievement would have been rather impossible if not for the enormous coverage, support and intervention that we continue to receive from the media fraternity. It is in this spirit that I extend our sincere appreciation to all the media houses for their continued support and cooperation in bringing our activities to the living room of Gambians and non-Gambians alike.
- In the peacekeeping domain, GAF has earned an outstanding rating given her sustained enviable performance track record since her first deployment in Liberia in September of 1990 to date. It is gratifying to state that our gallant men and women continue to serve the rest of humanity with distinction in hot spots around the world; from the massive plains and plateaus of South Sudan to the densely vegetated terrain of Central African Republic and the hot arid terrain of Mali, amongst others. Given the vast experience gained in these mission areas, GAF High Command in concerted efforts with the government are exploring all possibilities to launch GAF personnel into a rewarding peacekeeping mission in the not-too-distance future. To complement this laudable initiative, planning and preparations are at the advanced stage in terms of constructive and structured engagements with the United Nations Department of Peace Operations (UNDPO) as well as the procurement of the essential logistics requirements, including the critical enablers. In order to take the engagement to the next level, a virtual Assessment Advisory Visit (AAV) was held in December of last year by UNDPO. Following the outcome of the AAV, it is heartening to report that we have achieved a lot in terms of fulfilling the prescribed conditions to facilitate our cherished desire of deploying to a UN mission soon. It might interest you to note that the Government of The Gambia, through the personal intervention of HE the President and our C-in-C, has invested hugely to procure the necessary wherewithal for the GAF’s possible deployment into a peacekeeping mission. It is important to assert that we have already acquired some of the hardware such as soft skin peacekeeping vehicles while the production of the critical enablers namely Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs) and other varieties of Infantry Fighting Vehicles have begun. We expect that these vehicles will be delivered in the first quarter of the New Year, 2022. This development represents a significant success towards our efforts in fulfilling our foreign policy objective by participating in international peacekeeping engagements. The advent of APCs and other-related equipment in GAF’s inventory lists would undoubtedly represent a significant milestone achievement in the annals of GAF peacekeeping operations endeavour. From all indications, these APCs and other complementary equipment will accord GAF more meaningful and beneficial participation in peacekeeping operations which would ultimately impact positively in terms of revenue generation for GAF and her serving members. These and many other policy initiatives that are expected to come into fruition will go a long way in improving and positively uplifting your welfare and that of your families thus give you a more rewarding and meaningful benefit from serving your nation in uniform.
- In a similar development, I am quite aware of the logistics constraints affecting the sustainability of our operations across the country, especially in the area of troop carrying vehicle and patrol vehicle. I want to assure you that my Headquarters has taken appropriate steps to address this critical operational shortfall as soon as possible. Meanwhile, commanders at all levels are enjoined to ensure judicious use and periodic maintenance of vehicles under their command. I believe this can be achieved if you imbibe and practice pragmatic leadership approach in ensuring that materiel under your respective command is managed in an efficient and effective manner.
- Finally, allow me to remind you all in regards our sacred obligation to our country. You have answered the call to serve our nation in uniform which is graciously regarded as the “ultimate and noble sacrifice” to one’s country. In making this choice, you chose to make a difference in the way you discharge your constitutionally mandated functions by being loyal, diligent, courageous, discipline and exhibiting integrity and selfless service. Going into the New Year, surely we will therefore need more strength and determination than what we put this year; more unity of purpose than what we have demonstrated this year; more sacrifices than what we went through this year; and more dedication to duty and loyalty in serving our country and its citizenry. I pray that the Almighty God in His infinite mercy and compassion continues to guide and protect each and every one (of you) so that we can serve our country and her people with utmost sacrifice and distinction.
- While taking pride and satisfaction in the achievement registered during the period under review, it is important at this point to express our sincere appreciation to the President and C-in-C of the Armed Forces, HE President Adama Barrow for creating the enabling environment and in particular for his sterling leadership, foresight and commitment to supporting the Armed Forces in its transformation and reform process. The Armed Forces wishes to reiterate its total and unflinching commitment to the reform process. On behalf of officers, soldiers and ratings of the GAF, I once more pledge our total commitment to the defence of the Constitution of the Republic of The Gambia and firm allegiance to the Government and people of this great country.
- We remain exceedingly grateful to the Honourable Minister of Defence, Ambassador Sheikh Omar Faye and his diligent staff for the immense support and strategic guidance rendered to the Armed Forces during the period under review. It is worthy to state that we hail the steps taken in view of the reviews and formulation of necessary policy frameworks such as the first ever National Defence Policy, the Gambia Armed Forces Act, the review of the Terms and Conditions of Service (TACOS) for both Officers and Soldiers/Ratings, and documents relating to the operation and administration of the Armed Forces.
- As we creep into the New Year, let us solemnly remember that not all those who contributed to this year’s success live to rejoice with us. Therefore, I enjoin all of you to remember in your thoughts and pray for our fallen comrades. We ask for the Almighty Allah to forgive their shortcomings and grant them the highest Heavens. And, for us fortunate to be alive, I pray for our continued well-being in order to serve the Nation as we look forward to greater progress in the Year 2022.
- Once again, while thanking each and every one of you for your service to our great country, it is my great pleasure and privilege to take this precious opportunity to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. I fervently pray that the New Year brings to you and your family warmth of love and a light to guide your path towards a positive destination and common good. God bless our nation, God bless our President and C-in-C and God bless you all! AHOOAH!
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