The overarching objective of the project is to collaborate with relevant Government institutions to promote inclusiveness, transparency and accountable governance processes in The Gambia.
In this regard, OSPG on Wednesday organised a day-long validation workshop at the Mezty Hotel to analyse five key policies. The national policies analyzed were the Budget, Public Finance Act 2014, Gender Policy, National Development Plan and Public Procurement Act 2004.
The theme was: “CSO’s supporting Government Design Responsive and Inclusive Policy to Enhance Accountability and Transparency.
Abdoulie Jadama, head of programs for OSPG described the activity as a historic milestone in The Gambia’s journey to institutionalising good governance, particularly accountability, transparency and inclusive reform processes where gender mainstreaming is not being left behind.
Mr Jadama noted that the initiative was aimed at sharing knowledge on the country’s current policy directions towards gender as a critical and important strategic issue that formed the core of the fiscal accountability and transparency reform challenges in the country.
Lala Touray, programme officer at National Democratic Institute highlighted that
transparency and accountability reforms remain one of the most critical parts of democratic reforms in The Gambia, adding that NDI was pleased to work closely with actors such as OSPG and the Government of The Gambia in promoting open governance.