#National News

Renovated Njongon health post inaugurated

Oct 15, 2021, 11:31 AM | Article By: Cherno Omar Bobb

Njongon Health Post in Lower Nuimi District, North Bank Region was on Monday inaugurated following its renovation.


The renovation of the health post was financed by Helping Gambian Children Foundation (HGCF), a Holland-based charitable organisation, some youth of the community based abroad as well as women and natives of the community.

Njaga Joof, alkalo of the village said the health post serves the entire region and not just the community and therefore urged them to make best use of it. He also appealed to those who can to support the facility with drugs and other materials for its advancement.

Modou Lamin Joof, commonly known as Master Joof explained that the health post was established in the late 1950s by missionaries. He added that people from various parts of the country including some from Senegal used to seek medical attention at the health post.

Mr Joof stated that it is the duty of every good citizen to contribute towards the development of their nation and as such thanked all those who contributed towards the renovation of the health post.

Sulayman Joof, Village Support Group Secretary appealed to surrounding communities for their collaboration in ensuring the sustainability of the health facility.

Abdoulie Bah, HGCF Gambia president said Njongon is not the only community they have supported, adding that they are also supporting agriculture, education, and access to clean drinking water projects. He stated that it was easy to support Njongon because they are united and know what they want.

According to Mr Bah, their aim is to also support the health post with an ambulance and drugs in the near future. He called on all to strive for the health of women and children of the country.

Momodou Gai, Senior Community Health Nurse Tutor of North Bank west thanked the funders for complementing their efforts. He added that the health post would reduce the load on Essau Major Health Centre and save community members the stress of travelling kilometres to seek medical attention.

He said that it was their wish to deploy a nurse in every community, noting that they will be supervising the health post regularly as well as support where necessary and needed. He further said that their aim is to ensure sustainable and quality health care service delivery.

Bintou Sarr said women of the community organised fundraising activities to support the building of staff quarters.

Abdoulie Jallow, the Gambia Democratic Congress Foreign Affairs Secretary said the construction of health facilities, provision of drugs and their sustainability is central to their development agenda. He added that under their government, no pregnant woman, child below 5 years and elders above 65 years will pay to receive treatment.

He also said that they would do their part to support the health post for its sustainability.