The donated food aid was meant to support the village during the Covid-19 pandemic. The gesture will go a long way in addressing some of the community’s major food insecurity challenges.
The food aidworthD127, 000.00 included 100 bags of rice and 100 gallons of cooking oil. The materials were distributed among 100 families of the said village.
The Germany-based foundation has been supporting Darsilameh community over the years as they built a health center for them and alsosponsoring a kindergarten school in Marakissa.
Musa Tabally Bojang, Darsilameh alkalo said the donation was the second of its kind and as such thanked donors.
He added that the foundation in addition to building a health center is paying the salaries of the center’s staff, supporting them with drugs, among others.
He said the health center is not only of benefit to the community but its surrounding environs as well.
Bojang said the food items donated will go along way in helping the community.
Wolfgang Dahl, vice chairman of Remis foundation said supporting the poor and needy is their main objective. He thanked the community for accepting their gift and assured them of his foundation’s continuous support.
Musukebba Jarju, on behalf of beneficiaries described food and health as key to human life and therefore thanked donors for their generosity.
She challenged the communities to make best use of the health center and take ownership of it.
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