The training, held at Foni Ding Ding Bantaba Lodge in Bwiam, focuses on the significance and need for fortification of the “food vehicle” which includes rice, wheat flour, oil and iodine salt to strengthen and improve the health of consumers.
The initiative also came through additional funding from the Large-Scale Food Fortification Project through the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and CRS The Gambia Country Program (CP) meant to build the capacity of the implementing partners and stakeholders on the use of the SBCC materials.
At the event, Alhagie Sering Fye, on behalf of the Task force and participants, thanked NaNA and all the facilitators, acknowledging that the training has exposed them to many thematic areas.
For his part, Antuan Mendy, who spoke on behalf of CRS, pointed out that as an NGO, they place high priority on the welfare of communities, further pledging CRS’s continued support and stronger collaboration.
Abdul Aziz Ceesay, director of the SBCC, deputising for NaNA acting ED, described nutrition as a cross-cutting issue and called the need for concerted efforts by all to fight against food insecurity and nutrition security in the country.
Fatou Drammeh, NaNA Senior Program Officer, commended CRS Country office and CRS West Africa for funding the training.
She described the results generated from both the pre-test and the post-test on food fortification carried out during the training, as a big achievement.