#National News

MoHERST, UNDP sign MoU to establish UNiPOD project

Aug 30, 2024, 11:05 AM | Article By: Adama Jallow

The Ministry for Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (MoHERST) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in The Gambia for the establishment of a UNiPOD project.

The project is designed to provide state-of-the-art facilities and resources towards promoting innovation and technological development in The Gambia.

The Higher Education ministry recently received support from the UNDP for the establishment of the UNiPOD project which will be situated in the USET Kanifing Campus.

Speaking at the occasion, Pro. Pierre Gomez, the minister for MoHERST, said: “The UNiPOD project will create an environment where cutting-edge research and new ideas will thrive. It will address the educational needs of the young population in the digital age, thus ensuring youth employment and business development.”

The UNiPOD Complex, he said, will be equipped with facilities for high-tech prototyping and testing new ideas, further claiming: “It will have design Lab, AI and Robotics, Fabrication and Wood working Lab, Sustainability and Eco-friendly Lab (Green Tech), Creatives Lab, Textile, and a Prototyping Lab.”

He added: “There will also be co-creation spaces that will facilitate access to the laboratories, thereby bridging the gap between academic knowledge and real-world applications.”

Anchored on the SDGs as well as in line with the MoHERST Strategic Plan (2021 – 2025), he went on, the hub will not only support the advancement of innovation and business development, but will contribute to the overall economic growth and advancement of the country.

“Through this partnership, UNDP will provide funds for the refurnishing, expansion and equipment for the UNiPOD, whilst USET will dedicate staff to the management and day-to-day operations of the hub. Already, the consultancy for the refurbishment designs have been advertised, and the next stages of the refurbishment and equipment procurement is planned to be completed before the end of 2024,” he revealed.

Towards the sustainability of the UNIPOD, Minister Gomez said, “USET can leverage on the funding Windows of the Skills, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SIE) Fund and upon enactment, the National Research and Innovation Fund can be tapped from to sustain and expand on the laboratories.”

The country’s higher education minister stated: “At institutional level, USET has been tasked to operate a dedicated account to support the expansion of scientific, innovation, and entrepreneurship projects.”

Mandisa Mashologu, the UNDP Resident Representative reaffirmed her agency’s commitment to working closely with the Gambia government particularly MoHERST in order to ensure the success of the UNiPOD project.