#National News

Real Women in Action meets Gender Minister

Aug 29, 2024, 10:51 AM | Article By: Sanna Jallow

Real Women in Action, a youth organisation that seeks to raise awareness on the plight of youth and women on Monday paid a courtesy call on Fatou Kinteh, the Minister for Gender, Children and Social Welfare at her office along Jimpex Road, Kanifing.

The visit was to update Minister Kinteh about the work of the association as well as to seek support in the association’s drive to advance the welfare of women and youth in the country.

Established in February, 2024, the association is aimed at enhancing women and youth welfare, while also addressing critical issues affecting women and youth.

In her introductory remarks, Fatou Ceesay, president of the association, revealed that the association doesn’t only aim to tackle issues affecting women and youth, but also helps to ensure their smooth reintegration into society.

The association, she added, is legally registered and their members are students from Stratford College with different backgrounds and from different walks of life.

“We have also embarked on community engagement, sensitised the youths on the dangers of drugs and drugs related cases. All this is to complement government's effort in the fight against drugs.” she stated.

She also highlighted the challenges the association is facing, ranging from mobility, funding and office space. To that end, she said, they are soliciting the support of the Ministry.

Welcoming the delegation, Fatou Kinteh, Minister for Gender, Children and Social Welfare, expressed gratitude to the association for the visit, describing their initiatives as ‘laudable’.

She assured the association of her Ministry’s support, promising the association that she will engage partners, especially UN agencies for support.

She informed them about the telephone hotlines, where people could report cases of Sexual and Gender-based Violence (SGBV). This numbers are; 199, 1025 and 1313.

She also informed of the four directorates at the Ministry namely: the Directorate of Gender, Directorate of Children Affairs, Directorate of Social Welfare, and Directorate of Policy Planning and Strategic Development with whom they will have close working ties.