The exercise spearheaded by Large Scale Eco System Based Adaptation Project EBA is being implemented by the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources. The Large Scale Eco System Based Adaptation (EbA) is a six-year project funded by Green Climate Fund (GCF). The funding was secured through United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and implemented by the Ministry of Environment. The project seeks to develop a climate resilient natural resource based economy and build the climate resilience for Gambian communities and facilitate the development of a sustainable green economy.
At the launch of the exercise, Mbye Jabang, permanent secretary at the Ministry of Environment said the EbA project is a flagship of climate change project for the Gambia, adding that at policy level, government is committed to making sure it has one million trees planted to tackle the effects of climate change.
PS Jabang indicated that the project would also help in improving and restoring degraded lands into forest parks.
Further, the nationwide tree planting exercise is expected to help farmers get enough seedlings to plant more trees and ensure enough water is available and restore forest cover by the end of the tree planting exercise.
"We will now transition from tree planting to tree growing. I therefore urge all Gambians to plant a tree. We need to invest in our natural resources because if we have a rich natural resource base then we are secure”.
Dr Malanding Jaiteh, project manager at EbA said the project aims to provide community-based organisations and farmers with tree species that can adapt to climate change such as, lime and baobab trees.
He outlined that trees provide shades and also water while it also contributes to boosting biodiversity as they become food source and natural habitat for wildlife.
The nationwide tree planting exercise targets 250 farmers in various regions namely, North Bank, Lower River and Central River Regions.