Speaking at the event, Tabu Njie-Sarr, coordinator CSO Gender Platform called on all and sundry to end violence against women and girls. However, she added that both men and women suffer violence.
She said one must not lose the fact that Beijing declaration outlined 12 critical areas for the emancipation of women and girls all over the world.
These areas she said include women and poverty, education and training of women, women and health, violence against women, women and armed conflict, women and the economy, women in power and decision-making, institutional mechanisms, human rights of women, women and the media, women and the environment, and the girl child.
She added that according to UN, a woman is likely to be violated by an intimate partner or hurt so severely that she can long longer be able to provide for her family.
Madam Njie-Sarr further said that gender based violence among women aged 14-15 accounts for more deaths and disability than the combined effects of cancer, malaria, traffic injuries and war.
In The Gambia, she said there is a recent loud cry on attacks on women and girls ranging from rape, wife beating, FGM, child marriage and insults, noting that insults in The Gambia has maternal incarnation.
He also said that, this year has been difficult for people across the globe especially women who had to experience violence in their homes, suffer economic loss and loss of lives during child birth as a result of the lockdown.
The CSO Gender Platform coordinator also said that the rejection of the 2020 Draft Constitutionbill by the national assembly that was their hope for women empowerment with its progressive provisions is also a setback and therefore called on government to pass the constitution.
While commending Gambia government in her efforts to protect women and girls she also urged them to enforce laws protecting women and girls.
Violence, and Sexual and Gender Based Violence continue to exist and are causing a lot of damage on victim’s families and The Gambia as a country, she also said. She on behalf of the CSO Gender Platform thanked funding agency of the activity.
Meanwhile, the platform was established to provide high level strategic support during the Transitional Justice Process in The Gambia as well as advocate for gender justice. It recognises that progressive national and international instruments can help in empowering, protecting and promoting women’s rights. The platform considers the participation and development of women as a fundamental human right particularly the state that has the primary duty bearer to promote and fulfill rights of everyone.