#National News

Mayor Lowe distributes food packages to Banjulians

Jun 18, 2020, 12:41 PM | Article By:  Cherno Omar Bobb

Mayor Rohey Malick Lowe of Banjul, last Thursday commenced the distribution of the Banjul Relief Initiative food packages to residents of Banjul.

2500 households are expected to benefit from the package of a 25kg bag of rice, 4kg of sugar and 1.5litre cooking oil.

March this year; Mayor Lowe launched the Banjul Relief Initiative to complement the basic needs of residents of Banjul with food provisions.

Speaking ahead of the distribution, Chairperson of the Banjul Relief Initiative, Naffie Barry said the food aid was secured from companies, institutions, businesses, philanthropists, social groups, ward development committees, civil society organisations and individuals on behalf of Banjul City Council.

She said they hope the food packages will help Banjulians to adhere to the stay at home protocols as declared by WHO and Gambia’s Ministry of Health in order to suppress the coronavirus pandemic.

According to her, the generosity was meant to help citizens of Banjul irrespective of their political affiliation as well as to complement government efforts in making sure inhabitants of Banjul are happy.

Madam Barry highlighted that the packages are meant for households who were not fortunate to benefit from government food package, adding that if there is excess they will give it out to needy people in Banjul.

Mayor Rohey Malick Lowe thanked their benefactors for their support and called on others to support the initiative as the development and well-being of Banjulians should be a concern for all.

“These are trying times in the country with the outbreak of covid-19. The outbreak has impacted our daily lives. It has not only affected us economically but across all sectors of development."

She commended the Banjul Relief Initiative and all those who contributed to the success of the initiative.