#National News

Mandinary LBS holds first graduation

Aug 9, 2024, 12:02 PM | Article By: Aja Beyai

The Voice of Mandinary, a youth led-organisation in collaboration with the Mandinary Lower Basic School recently organised the school’s first ever graduation ceremony for the grade six pupils.

The graduation ceremony which was fully sponsored by the youth organisation, was meant among others to bring back ‘speech and prize giving ceremony’ at the school with the objective of promoting effective teaching and learning at the school.

Ndey Fatou Jobe-Darboe, the head mistress of the school spoke at length on the significance of school graduation, adding: “Graduations are meant to celebrate the achievements and performance of students in various fields. It will also ensure that students who unperformed in this academic year, will also redouble their efforts in ensuring that they come out with good results in the subsequent graduations.”  

She thanked the youth organisation for the support and collaboration, saying: “This is the kind of collaboration and support we need. The school management alone can’t achieve its desired goals despite our continued commitment without the support of the community. I can assure you that such collaboration will continue as it is in the best interest of the school.”

“At the level of the school, we will continue to play our part in ensuring that we achieve quality education in the school. The management and staff of the school are committed to this drive and we are working towards achieving it.”

Yahya Jarju, the Chairman of the Voice of Mandinary Youths, said: “The graduation which is funded by our youth organisation in close collaboration with the school authorities marks a significant moment of pride, accomplishment and remarkable achievements for the students.”

“Therefore, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the graduating students. Your hard work, dedication, and perseverance have brought you to this moment, and today we honor your achievements. You have demonstrated that with determination and effort, success is within reach,” he postulated.

“I want to sincerely thank members of the Voice of Mandinary Youths both home and in the diaspora, the school administration and to their esteemed teachers for their unwavering commitment and passion for education.”

He added: “Together, we will shape the minds and futures of these young individuals. Therefore, our guidance and support is instrumental in their journey to achieving quality education.”

Jarju calls on parents, guardians and teachers to take the leading role in nurturing and supporting their children’s education, saying: “Your encouragement and support will ensure that the children have a good foundation,” he advises.

As the population is increasing, Jarju urged the government to upgrade the school to a senior secondary school in order to cater for the growing population.

He concluded: “To the students, I want you to continue to strive for excellence, embrace challenges, and never stop believing in your potential. The future is yours to shape. I have no doubt that you will achieve great things.”