The manual is tipped to become history in the country’s tourism development. The event was held at ITToG premises in Kotu.
Sheik Tijan Nyang, head of ITToG said with intervention of their partners, together with the tourism sector actors, they have worked tirelessly to build capacity in the area of Community Base Tourism.
They have “considered as one of the pillars of our (The Gambia) tourism development. With the presentation of this manual, we are hopeful that with the commitment of our core team, we will be able to address most, if not all our challenges of ‘back-way’ migration, rural urban drift among other challenges we face in our communities today.”
He affirmed that their success lies in their commitment to work together as a team in fulfilling the dreams and aspirations of people in the provision of skills and means of survival through responsible tourism principles.
He thanked Youth Empowerment Project, their trainers from Thailand and all partners involved in the exercise for their hard work and contribution to the success of achieving their goals in the production of the manual.
He said he hope trainees would make good use of the knowledge gained to benefit themselves and their communities.