During the five-day intensive training, 26 Home Economics Teachers from different schools within Region One, were trained on how to sew reusable sanitary pads before being awarded certificates by CHE.
The participants were trained by Girls’ Pride and are expected to initiate a step-down training for students at their various schools.
CHE under the project - Strengthening Access to Quality Comprehensive Health Education in The Gambia, is an implementation research project conducted by Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education funded by International Development Research Center (IDRC), Canada.
At the training, the participants developed a project called Pretty Girls’ Corner, which will be implemented across all the 26 different schools. The project seeks to establish reusable sanitary pad bank in Home Economics labs in schools as the project initiators (trained teachers) will train their colleagues and students both boys and girls on how to sew handmade reusable pads at their practical sessions.
Addressing the participants, Ms Phebian Ina Grant-Sagnia, Principal Investigator of project in Region One, gave a general overview of the training, which she said, started from research done in 2020 where over 40 schools were interviewed – public and private, boys and girls (students) of upper basic and senior secondary schools (in schools). And the out of school also, boys and girls between the ages of 15 and 19 in 28 wards within Greater Banjul in Region One covering Banjul to Abuko.
The training, she added, also focused on hygiene management, saying it was observed in schools and the other reason for the training is that in the schools, students and their teachers have issues on hygiene management especially on how the young girls dispose their sanitary pads in schools around.
Ms Grant-Sagnia dilated on the materials used for the production, while thanking the participants, trainers and International Development Research Center (IDRC), Canada for funding the Strengthening Access to Quality Comprehensive Health Education for in-and-out of School in The Gambia and Curriculum Research Evaluation and Development Directorate of Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education for the implementation.
The trainer, Fatoumatta Jabbi-Kassama, founder and CEO of Girls’ Pride, expressed satisfaction with the performance of the trainees, saying the best moment of the training to her is their developed project called Pretty Girls’ Corner.
She explained that Pretty Girls’ Corner, is a project of the trained teachers from the 26 schools, where each student will be trained and at the end they will sew sanitary pads in the pad bank created in schools for themselves and friends.
Ms Kaddijatou Jobarteh on behalf of Director of CREDD, congratulated participants for successfully completing the training, while thanking all those who contributed towards the project.
The initiators of the Pretty Girls’ corner included Isatou Mballow –Aji Sukai Ndateh SSS; Zainab Conteh -New Life UBS; Saffiatou A Jallow -Latrikunda Sabiji UBS/SSS; Haddy Jobe –New Covenant; Isatou H. Jallow –Gambia SSS; Dalanda Jallow –Kotu SSS; Anna C. Asante –Bakoteh UBS/SSS; Fatou Sarjo –Greater Banjul SSS; Veronic Mendy –Kanifing UBS/SSS; Michelle Rose Mendy –SoS L/UBS; Bintou Hydara –Garba Jahumpa UBS; Kaddijatou Jallow –Charles Jow Memorial Academy; Fatima Jammeh, Salimata Drammeh –Tadamun Islamic Center; Matty Cham –ABC UBS/SSS; Maimuna Jah – Muslim SSS; Mary A. Kaikai -Ndows Comprehensive; Awa Kuyateh –Carter Basic Cycle; Fatou M. Joof –St Augustine’s UBS; Ndumbeh A.K. Sallah –Tallinding UBS; Ramatu A. Sankoh –Brimaw UBS; Jacinta Ajikch Alghali –St Therese’s UBS; Olly Bamba –St Joseph UBS; Sainey Bittaye, Latrikunda UBS and Paulina Nyacki Lusack –Bakau UBS.