The beautiful women of GPA were seen dancing and smiling throughout the event.
The theme for this year’s commemoration was “Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality.”
Gambian women, most especially those at GPA have been contributing to nation building through technologies. Some of them work as technicians at the Information and Technology unit and others as mechanics.
In her statement, Yama Bojang, the Vice President of GPA Female Staff Association described the commemoration as significant to raise understanding of the masses as regards gender equality and the role of women in nation building.
Yankuba Manneh, spokesperson for GPA said they recognise and appreciate the hard work, determination and patriotism of the GPA Female Staff Association contribution to socio-economic development of the state institution.
He added that in national perspective, women handle key positions in public institutions, thus contributing immensely to the country’s socio-economic development.
Sainabou M. Ceesay, the deputy director of Internal Audit described the day as important to all women in GPA. She added that there is a need for women to embrace technology and break barriers in technology to enhance social development.
Recounting her experience at the ports authority, Ida Manneh, Audit Manager for GPA noted that she started from a young staff of the GPA to a chartered accountant.
Madam Manneh added that she had passed through several positions and academic tussle before reaching her current position.
So, she thanked the management of GPA for empowering women over the past years, while enjoining young female workers to be determined and work harder in order to attain their goals.
Suwaibou Jatta, acting director of Human Resource cum President of GPA Female Staff Association said women contribute immensely to socio-economic development of the transport institution. She cited that women are in the center of the GPA management and technical departments such as mechanical and IT.
“Women are in all sectors of development in GPA,” she added.
However, she advised her fellow women to be determined and focus on their aspirations. This, she said would enable them to attain their various goals.
“If you believe in yourself and work hard, obviously, you will accomplish your goals,” she said.
She commended all those who contributed in the smooth commemoration of the day.