#National News

Gamjul NGO launched

Aug 26, 2024, 10:39 AM | Article By: Adama Jallow

Gamjul Moms and Babies, a non-governmental organisation established in 2019, was over the weekend officially launched at a ceremony held at the YMCA conference hall in Kanifing.

The NGO, officials said is established with the objectives of improving the health and social well-being of women and children in the country.

Speaking at the launching ceremony, Alhagie Gaye, Gamjul Program Manager,  said: “Since the establishment of organisation, we have recruited a muti-disciplinary facilitating team comprising  experienced community development agents, health practitioners and other relevant fields of study.”

Due to funding constraints, he said, their activities were only centered in the North Bank and West Coast Regions, claiming that they have participated immensely in improving the maternal health in the regions where they are intervening.

He added: “We deem it as a necessity in order to address the social and cultural barriers affecting the health of pregnant women, newborns and children by conducting activities in various communities and at health facilities in the regions where we are operating.”

Communities outreach programs, Gaye went on, were among the activities they embarked on with the aim of discussing with men the  significance of their involvement in maternal health related issues, adding: “During these outreach programs, we also provide them with a comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education.”

OmarDampha, Officer-in Charge of Brufut Health Center spoke at length on the numerous activities they have embarked on over the past years, claiming that the organisation was formed in 2019 by one Fatoumatta Sowe, who doubles as the founder and executive director.

“Since the establishment, the NGO has been working tirelessly in equipping professionals in the field of reproductive and maternal health with the necessary tools and knowledge they need in order to impact positively in the communities we are operating.”

“We now want to provide women with better maternal health care information and services, and also to train health workers in order to make a difference where our services are needed.”

“Our vision is to create a world where no mother or child dies from preventable cases related to pregnancy and childbirth. We are on a mission to advocate for programs, projects that address maternal health care during pregnancy. We want to have a future where every woman can safely bring new life into the world,” he declared.

For his part, Ambassador Bokarr Sey, the Chief Executive Officer of SAAP Consultancy Limited, spoke on the importance of having such organisation especially in rural Gambia, adding: “Such kind of organisation will help in addressing maternal related death in the country.”