In the said video, the soldier was on-board a public transport with some other passengers and appeared to be in a very compromised state. It could be deduced that state of the soldier was unprofessional and unbecoming a member of the GAF.
The Gambia Armed Forces wishes to inform the general public that the soldier has been identified as one Warrant Officer Class Two (WOII) Touray Ousman. He is currently helping the Military Police with their investigations into the circumstances surrounding the said video.
The Armed Forces wishes to reiterate that it has a policy of zero tolerance for drugs and alcohol abuse by its members. The alleged attitude and behaviour of WOII Touray does not represent what the GAF stands for as an institution.
Therefore, the GAF Command wishes to stress that such a behaviour by a member of the Armed Forces is reprehensible and is a clear case of indiscipline and would not go unchecked in accordance with the Armed Forces Act and Regulations for Discipline.