The gesture is meant to support the beneficiary families during the state of public health emergency in the country due to coronavirus pandemic.
Yankuba Marong, chairman of Essau Village Development Committee explained that each sub-Alkalo within Essau identified seven most vulnerable families within his area who are each given a bag of rice.
Fatou Sabally, Public Relations Officer of the Village Development Committee urged people to observe social distancing, avoid public gatherings and to regularly wash their hands with running water and soap to prevent contraction of the virus.
“Let us help ourselves by observing WHO and Ministry of Health recommendations and guidelines which are for our own good,” she added.
Madam Sabally thanked the Diasporans for their continuous assistance and commended Alkalo for closely working with the VDC.
Alkalo Lang Njie said Essau Diasporans assistance to needy families during the period of the coronavirus and the Muslim month of Ramadan is commendable. He thanked the VDC for their steadfastness and commitment towards the development of the community.