Fatou Njie, Ward Secretary for Dippa Kunda, who initially began as a volunteer before being appointed, produced her offer of appointment, dated 5 July 2019. She was asked to produce her application confirmation letters.
She explained that her responsibilities include taking minutes of meetings and typing for both Ward Development Committee meetings and other engagements of the Councilor.
She doubles as secretary to the Ward Development Committee of Dippa Kunda.
“Is it part of your responsibilities to supervise ward trucks?” Counsel Sunkary Camara asked.
Responding, Njie explained that the 'Mballit' trucks come to the Ward office in Dippa Kunda daily and she would issue them tickets for their work and they would sign.
She claimed having records of the ticket books and their serial number and was asked to provide them.
Fast forward, she confirmed that each day, the collectors would come with cash daily and give to her for onward submission to the Council.
She also claimed that she has cash books showing monies she received from the collectors. She was also ordered to provide them.
Njie testified that she used to submit D10,000 to the KMC daily, adding that the receiving cashier then was Gibril Darboe.
She went further to state that she has the receipts to show.
However, adverse audit findings against her indicate that in 2021 alone, the total collection handed to her was D582,795, while the deposit was D550,415 (D32,380 variance).
From that amount, D8,590 was recovered, while the balance (D23,790) was not.
“Tell us how this shortage was possible,” Counsel Camara asked Fatou.
Responding, she affirmed the shortage, but blamed the revenue collection devices they used.
She said they did malfunction and deductions were made from some of the ticket sellers z for the shortages.
“The shortage happened. Afterwards, it was realised that the Eco-Tech machines had issues.” the witness added.
For 2020, the shortage for Dippa Kunda was D22,065, while the amount recovered was D8,579 (D13,800 balance), according to the NAO audit report.
She was then asked to bring her record books to account for the shortages.