The call was made at the launch of their new political movement named National Alliance for Change (NAC) held on Sunday at Semega Janneh Hall in Tallinding.
The movement is a partnership among different groups and the purpose is to end two-party dominance, promote new leadership, to win back national sovereignty, youth participation, and reforms among others.
At the event, Lawyer Assan Martin, chairperson of the movement, said that the movement has outstanding Gambians, activists among others as members, adding that their objective is to bring change in the country.
"Our purpose is not to please people or government. We have seen the divide and rule system our politicians are instilling in us, we want to have a system that includes every Gambian regardless of your party, tribe, religion," he added.
"We want to change the standards, to have a fair and ethical nation. Before 2026 we want to ensure that Gambians see potentials in other political parties to vote for and rule the country in the right way."
Martins maintained that they have been longing for a change since 2016. However, things just get worst, saying it is about time ‘we take a stand as Gambians for the betterment of the nation."
Mr Dudu Ndowe, a political and social analyst, recalled that in 2016, the country had a chance to change the label and not the content of the battle "however everything changed.
The National Development Plan, he added, was one size to fit all and it was a document that did not put the country in the right direction.
"It entails political gangsters continued and persisted; broken promises, corruption, and self-perpetuation tactics became the order of the day. We can't continue to make the same mistake we made in 2016 and 2021; we must peacefully rise up to the status quo, use our powers as Gambians through our electoral system and make a change come 2026 election."
"We want to ensure that the rule of law, good governance, transparency, accountability, and citizen participation is respected and enforced. National Alliance for Change is here to make a difference in the Gambian political system," he said.
Thus, he urged the young people to participate in change making and desist from being used by political leaders for their benefit.