City Link Ostend-Banjul partnership for sustainable city development is being funded by the European Union under the 2018 project EuropeAid call Authorities: partnership for sustainable cities.
The research project will last for 10 months for a full consideration for a treatment centre.
Speaking at the event held at the premises of EFSTH, Mam Lai Jassey, project coordinator of City Link Ostend Banjul, expressed gratitude to the city officials of Banjul and the City of Ostend for facilitating the building through the sponsorship of the EU funding.
Phebian Ina Grant-Sagnia, a health consultant for City Link Ostend Banjul Project said the treatment centre is a great initiative for them especially children who are between the ages of 0-15 normally get their treatment on top of their beds.
She indicated that the Aloe Vera fresh leaf is effective for burn wounds, adding that protocols have been prepared by the research team to burn wound patients as part of the ethics of health care.
Deputy Chief Medical Director, Dr. Charles Roberts, said burns are a big the problem for them in the hospital. Ideally, he said those victims should be in a separate setting to minimise infections.
“Many use Aloe Vera to cure wounds but those are the processed ones which might be expensive but having found out about the Aloe Vera fresh leaves and their effectiveness.” (Incomplete)
Having the chance to do a scientific fact about Aloe Vera, it will be a pleasure to roll it out to the rest of the country.
Horeja Saine, chief Matron at the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital, said the project would go a long way in helping the people especially children, who suffered a lot in the hospitals when it comes to burns.