The community activity involves moulding of blocks for the renovation of the community's clinic. The move is due to the deplorable nature of the facility, which is totally dilapidated and out of shape.
At the event, Mot Jallow, chairman of the Youth Association, underscored the importance of the project, stating that pregnant women and nursing mothers in the village sometimes find it difficult to access health post for the weekly clinic.
To ease the nightmare of travelling long distance, he said, they thought it prudent to renovate the facility to ensure it lives up to expectation.
He thus called on the government, NGOs, philanthropist and others to help the community with a standard health post.
Kaddy Jallow, a traditional birth attendant in the area, thanked the youth of the village for the initiative.
The renovation of the facility, she added, would not only ease the nightmare in travelling long distances, but would also ensure timely consultation of health services in the area.
She said sometimes pregnant women and even children missed-out important routine vaccines due to the long distance they normally trek to access the health facility.