Fanta Jatta-Sowe, head of programs and policy (AAITG) informed that the project would mainly target young people and that it is a countrywideproject that will cover all the regions in The Gambia in trying to build the capacity of Network against Gender Based Violence (NGBV).
The project, she added, will support the governance and control of system of Gender Based Violence and build the capacity of some of its members to get into advocacy to mobilise citizen’s action.
“It is also targeting young people and other marginalised people such as people living with HIV/AIDS especially women, people with disabilities, hotel and domestic workers as in most cases the domestic works are left out”.
Mrs. Sowe indicated that this time their concentration is on domestic works as they faced a lot of violations and no research or intervention is being done to better the lives of that group.
“We are going to do a lot of information gathering to put the evidences together for more strategy intervention and among this category is women.’’
The project, she added, will also support the Women grassroots advocacy groups in the rural areas such as rural women assembly, women pressure group, and gender action group within communities so that they can increase their advocacy in communities and also serve as watchdogs.
Fallu Sowe, National Coordinator of Gender Based Violence, thanked the Amplify Change and Action Aid International-The Gambia for their partnership and continuous financial and technical support to the network.
“Amplify Change entered into a tripartite agreement to address FGM/C and other forms of GBV in The Gambia and since then the network secretariat and members have benefitted from various capacity building programmes.”
The membership of the network, he explained, includesgovernment-affiliated members, health facilities who host the one-step centers and care team members.
Musu Bakoto Sowe, chair of the National Gender Based Violence said the project is not only for the secretariat or Action Aid alone, but it is for every member of the network on Gender Based Violence.
She disclosed that the project title is consolidating the capacities of network against gender-based violence towards combating gender-based violence to ensure the sexual and reproductive health and right of young people and girls are protected.