
Witness provides substantive documents to inquiry

May 22, 2024, 12:00 PM | Article By: Ali Jaw

The acting director of administration at the Brikama Area Council Monday reappeared before the Local Government Commission of Inquiry to provide documents that are of immense importance to the commissioners in their investigation of local government authorities.

Mr Ebrima Sawaneh first appeared before the commissioners at the Djembe Hotel down the Senegambia Beach, where he testified on a range of issues regarding council daily affairs, as well as those related to administration.

His reappearance on Monday was prompted by a Commission summon to produce essential documents. He provided three documents to the Commission: Scheme of Service for the Local Government, the establishment register and the payroll for all the departments under Brikama Area Council.

The documents were admitted and marked as exhibits and subsequently admitted into evidence. He informed the inquirers that the establishment register was last updated in 2023.

Local Government Commission of Inquiry is set up to conduct a holistic and fair review of the administrative and financial operations of councils. The objective is to improve governance and management of grassroots affairs as in line with best practices that promote transparency and accountability.

So far, nearly a hundred witnesses have been heard by the able commissioners and counsels of the Commission. These include a permanent secretary, auditors, bankers, council revenue collectors, procurement officers, local government administrators, businesspeople and other senior officials of the councils.