
Halifa Sallah expounds on PDOIS position on national development

Oct 11, 2024, 10:46 AM | Article By: Makutu Manneh & Kaddy F.M. Touray

The party leader and Secretary General of the People Democratic Organization for Independence and Socialism(PDOIS), Halifa Sallah, has dilated on his party’s position  on national development and advancing Gambians’  standard of living.

“We are convinced that Gambia has to become a free, fair and better society as the objective  of  every  country is to ensure that your people are well-fed,” he stated.

Mr Sallah, who made this statement at a press conference  held at the PDOIS head office on Wednesday 9 October, said the economy of the country could only work as expected when all the sectors of production, agriculture, industrialisation and services come together and work as expected. 

The PDOIS Sec Gen said any person that could not provide or access basic amenities could not possibly live on the surface of the earth in prosperity and liberty, thus it is the cornerstone program of his party to ensure every Gambian has adequate basic amenities.

He said the PDOIS was convinced that in 2021 they sought to give the citizens an option of how to eradicate corruption, ignorance, and any form of injustice the citizens might be subjected to. However, he said, the result revealed that the voters didn’t want his party to take charge of the affairs of the nation and make changes.

He said his party would  embark on a nationwide tour to the people regarding the future of the country and to enable the people understand they are in charge of the country and should not be subjected to tyranny and any form of injustice.

He elaborated on the importance of a constitution in a republic, stating that

the constitution determines how a country is governed,  which was why (PDOIS) voted the 2020 draft constitution to pass the second reading. However the draft couldn't proceed to the committee stage, since two-thirds of the  National Assembly Members voted it out. 

“The current cabinet draft constitution will soon be tabled before National Assembly members for the first reading,” he pointed out. However, he said, consultation should have been done  in a national validation exercise to agree on the procedure and content to bring about the constitution of the 3rd Republic. “Instead it was published without consultation,” he said disappointingly. 

A PDOIS leading light, Mr Sallah  underscored the significance of the office of the Auditor General in ensuring that its independence and supervision is maintained without interference by the executive. He further implores that while the media and the opposition have the onus to hold the government to account - in as much as freedom of information is a human right - that should be done accurately and in the interest of the masses.